FIG 2.
Neutralization of HPV18 lineage variants by MAbs. (A) Consensus lineage HPV18 L1L2 variant sequences used for creation of representative PsVs (29). (B) Neutralization sensitivity of lineage L1 and L2 PsV variants to HPV18 MAbs. Only MAbs that had an IC80 of <0.5 μg/ml were included. Symbols indicate magnitude of difference in MAb sensitivity (IC80) between indicated variant and consensus A/A1 PsV: *, ≥4-fold reduced sensitivity; ●, ≥100-fold reduced sensitivity. (C) Graphical representation of HPV18 L1 and L2 protein combinations from A (white) and C (gray). (D) Heatmap representation of fold difference in neutralization potency (IC80) against the A variant. (E) HPV18 lineage A homology model based upon the HPV18 L1 pentamer crystal (PDB accession number 2R5I.1) with top view shown. The quality of a predicted model was assessed by its QMEAN4 and GMQ, which were −2.20 and 0.99, respectively. All five L1 monomers of the pentamer are pictured, with external loops (gray) and all visible sites of variation from the consensus A/A1 (blue) highlighted as indicated (yellow, BC1; pink, DE2; red, EF2; orange, FG2; and green, HI1).