Most diversity among the hemangiogenic VEGFs is achieved by alternative splicing. Nevertheless, proteolytic processing of VEGF-A (A) [19] and placenta growth factor (PlGF) [32] (C) can convert the longer, heparin-binding isoforms into more soluble shorter species. (B) VEGF-B is a special case. Alternative splicing results in two isoforms that translate the same nucleotide sequence in two different frames resulting in a heparin-binding and a soluble isoform [33,34]. Due to the near-perfect cleavage context [35], thrombin has been suspected to be the responsible protease for VEGF-B186 cleavage [36]. Prothrombin is indeed expressed by 293T cells [37], in which the cleavage has been demonstrated [33]. Plasmin cleaves VEGF-B186 at at least four different sites, of which the two most likely predicted sites are indicated. Importantly, the predicted plasmin cleavage between Arg137 and Ala138 removes the interaction epitope for neuropilin-1 binding [33] Semi-transparent, blurry arrows indicate cleavages, for which only the approximate position is known. The figure shows only the most sensitive site from the plasmin cleavages of VEGF-A since prolonged incubation results in progressing degradation [30]. VEGF-B186 appears to be progressively degraded by plasmin as well [33]. For VEGF-A and PlGF, the numbering is according to the longest shown isoform. VEGF-A is cleaved not only by MMP3 but also in a similar fashion by MMP7, MMP9, MMP19, and - less efficiently - by MMP1 and MMP16 [30].