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. 2021 Feb 22;13(2):339. doi: 10.3390/v13020339

Table 2.

Percentage of disorder in each open reading frame (ORF) retrieved from the MERS-CoV genome, as calculated by each predictor. Data based on the average percentage across 20 genomes obtained from human hosts. The predictors used were: Iupred-short, Iupred-long, Espritz, VSL2, PONDR-FIT, VLXT, and VL3.

Protein PPIDshort PPIDlong PPIDEspritz PPIDVSL2 PPIDpondr-fit PPIDVLXT PPID VL3 PPIDmean
ORF1ab 1.29 1.56 4.00 4.56 3.07 7.96 3.59 3.72
ORF1a 2.16 2.56 4.30 8.36 4.82 10.74 5.87 5.54
S 0.81 0.51 5.94 13.45 3.46 9.49 6.2 5.69
ORF3 35.72 21.21 49.99 58.88 41.06 35.09 38.54 40.07
ORF4a 8.25 0.91 11.92 22.93 18.48 13.76 8.07 12.05
ORF4b 8.25 0.91 18.84 20.79 19.44 18.51 18.13 14.98
ORF5 1.78 0 4.02 4.01 5.87 0.8 0 2.35
E 7.31 0 11.34 19.57 23.29 18.35 0 11.41
M 2.73 0 5.02 10.67 7.3 9.13 0 4.98
ORF8b 24.33 9.07 19.64 47.28 23.26 19.6 51.54 27.82
N 57.13 70.41 71.94 64.87 47.929 44.26 57.36 59.13