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. 2020 Nov 10;6(4):00188-2020. doi: 10.1183/23120541.00188-2020


Demographics and baseline patient characteristics for patients treated with oral corticosteroids for COPD exacerbations in a primary-care setting (Cohort 1) and in a hospital setting (Cohort 2)

Variable Cohort 1 Cohort 2
Subjects 6416 10 245
Age years 71.3±10.3 75.1±9.9
 ≥40–<60 years 850 (13.2) 716 (7.0)
 ≥60–<80 years 4113 (64.1) 5838 (57.0)
 ≥80 years 1453 (22.6) 3691 (36.0)
Male 3011 (46.9) 5258 (51.3)
Smoking status#
 Nonmissing 6364 (99.2) 10,169 (99.3)
 Never-smoker 747 (11.7) 993 (9.8)
 Current smoker 2044 (32.1) 2940 (28.9)
 Ex-smoker 3573 (56.1) 6236 (61.3)
BMI# kg·m−2 27.6±6.1 26.0±6.2
 Nonmissing 1769 (27.6) 8943 (87.3)
 <18.5 kg·m−2 331 (5.4) 766 (8.6)
 ≥18.5–<25 kg·m−2 2045 (33.1) 3596 (40.2)
 ≥25–<30 kg·m−2 1948 (31.5) 2495 (27.9)
 ≥30 kg·m−2 1855 (30.0) 2086 (23.3)
Active asthma 866 (13.5) 486 (4.7)
Active rhinitis 114 (1.8) 493 (4.8)
Active eczema 267 (4.2) 430 (4.2)
Nasal polyps+ 133 (2.1) 147 (1.4)
Diabetes mellitus+ 1132 (17.6) 1881 (18.4)
GORD+ 1426 (22.2) 2044 (20.0)
Cardiovascular disease+ 3001 (46.8) 6414 (62.6)
Hypertension+ 3019 (47.1) 4886 (47.7)
Osteoporosis+ 695 (10.8) 1241 (12.1)
Depression/anxiety+ 2713 (42.3) 4396 (42.9)
FEV1 % pred 53.9±20.1 50.9±20.9
 Subjects 5873 7883
 ≥80% pred 637 (10.8) 771 (9.8)
 ≥50%–<80% pred 2734 (46.6) 2901 (36.8)
 ≥30%–<50% pred 1776 (30.2) 3046 (38.6)
 <30% pred 726 (12.4) 1165 (14.8)
GOLD group
 Subjects 5460 8789
 A 838 (15.3) 556 (6.3)
 B 768 (14.1) 701 (8.0)
 C 1827 (33.5) 3641 (41.4)
 D 2027 (37.1) 3891 (44.3)

Data are presented as n, mean±sd or n (%), unless otherwise stated. BMI: body mass index; GORD: gastro-oesophageal reflux disease; FEV1: forced expiratory volume in 1 s; GOLD: Global Initiative for Chronic Obstructive Lung Disease. #: the closest BMI within 10 years of the index date, and the smoking status closest to and within 5 years of index date were included; : active disease was defined as a diagnostic or monitoring read code or evidence for specific treatment within 1 year before index date; +: ever diagnosed.