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. 2020 Nov 10;6(4):00190-2019. doi: 10.1183/23120541.00190-2019


Studies of gastro-oesophageal reflux treatment in asthma

First author [ref]
Study type
n Treatment Asthma symptoms Exacerbations FEV1 Other outcomes
 Goodall [46]
RCT crossover
18 Cimetidine 200 mg 5 times a day for 6 weeks Improvement in nocturnal asthma symptom score N/A Unchanged Improvement in evening PEFR
 Nagel [47]
RCT crossover
14 Ranitidine 400 mg four times daily for 1 week N/A N/A Unchanged No change in use of asthma medications
 Ekstrom [48]
RCT crossover
48 Ranitidine 150 mg twice daily for 4 weeks Improvement in nocturnal asthma symptom score N/A Unchanged N/A
 Larrain [49]
RCT placebo or surgery parallel
27 Cimetidine 300 mg four times daily for 6 months N/A N/A Minor improvement in FEV1 after 6 months N/A
RCT crossover [50]
15 Omeprazole 20 mg twice daily for 6 weeks N/A N/A 27% asthma patients with GORD had a ≥20% net improvement in FEV1 after treatment N/A
 Teichtahl [51]
RCT crossover
20 Omeprazole 40 mg once daily for 4 weeks versus placebo Unchanged N/A N/A Improvement in evening but not morning PEFR;
improved reflux symptoms
 Harding [52]
RCT crossover
30 Omeprazole 20–60 mg four times daily for 12 weeks Improved N/A Improved FEV1 and FVC Improved PEFR;
improved reflux symptoms
 Levin [16]
RCT crossover
9 Omeprazole 20 mg once daily for 8 weeks Improved N/A Trend toward higher FEV1 (mean difference 15.6%) Improved Asthma Quality of Life Score (AQLS) including sutwice dailyomains of activity limitation, symptoms and emotions
 Boeree [53]
RCT crossover
36 Omeprazole 40 mg b for 12 weeks versus placebo Unchanged N/A Unchanged Improved reflux symptom scores and proportion of time with pH<4;
no effect on peak flow or reversibility
 Kiljander [54, 55]
RCT crossover
107 Omeprazole 40 mg once daily for 8 weeks versus placebo Improved nocturnal asthma symptoms N/A Improved No effect on peak flow;
18 (35%) patients had improved pulmonary symptom scores while receiving omeprazole
 Tsugeno [56]
Prospective observational
Rabeprazole 20 mg once daily for 8 weeks Unchanged N/A N/A Improved PEFR;
improved reflux symptoms
 Jiang [57]
30 Omeprazole 20 mg once daily plus domperidone 10 mg three times daily for 6 weeks versus usual care N/A N/A Improved Improved PEFR and bronchial hyperresponsiveness
 Littner [58]
207 Lansoprazole 30 mg once daily for 24 weeks versus placebo Unchanged N/A Unchanged Improved AQLS emotional function;
no change in PEFR or use of asthma rescue medications
 Stordal [59]
38 Omeprazole 20 mg for 12 weeks versus placebo Unchanged N/A Unchanged Improved quality of life;
improved reflux scores on pH;
no change in asthma rescue medications
 Shimizu [60]
30 Lansoprazole 30 mg·day−1 for 8 weeks versus roxatidine (H2RA), 150 mg·day−1 Improved N/A Unchanged Improved peak flow and ACQ score
 Kiljander [61]
770 Esomeprazole 40 mg twice daily versus placebo for 16 weeks Unchanged N/A Unchanged Improved PEFR in patients with GORD and nocturnal symptoms only;
no safety concerns noted
 Wong [62]
Prospective observational
30 Lansoprazole 30 mg once daily Improved N/A Unchanged No effect on PEFR;
improved pulmonary symptom scores
 Sharma [63]
Omeprazole 20 mg twice daily plus domperidone 10 mg three times daily versus placebo for 16 weeks Improved day and night-time symptom scores N/A Improved FEV1 and FVC Improved reflux symptom scores;
improved PEFR;
reduction in asthma rescue medications
 Khorasani [64]
36 Omeprazole 20 mg twice daily for 6 weeks versus placebo N/A N/A Improved FEV1 and FVC Improved reflux symptoms
 Mastronarde [65]
412 Esomeprazole 40 mg twice daily for 24 weeks versus placebo Unchanged N/A Unchanged No effect on airway reactivity, asthma control, asthma symptom scores, nocturnal awakening or quality of life;
no increase in adverse events compared to placebo
 Bucknall [66]
Prospective observational
51 Omeprazole up to 80 mg daily N/A N/A N/A Improved GORD symptoms and pH readings with increased therapy dose
 Kiljander [67]
828 Esomeprazole 40 mg once/twice daily for 26 weeks Unchanged N/A Improved FEV1 in 40 mg TWICE DAILY group after 26 weeks compared to control No effect on PEFR;
improved AQLS score in both treatment groups compared to control
 Adamko [68]
19 Combined omeprazole 10 mgonce daily plus bethanacol versus either treatment alone versus placebo Improved daytime coughing and respiratory symptom scores N/A N/A Improved GORD symptoms and GORD measured by pH;
no adverse events noted
 Holbrook [69]
306 Lansoprazole 15 mg·day−1 if <30 kg or 30 mg·day−1 if ≥30 kg versus placebo Improved N/A Unchanged Improved ACQ score but no effect on asthma-related quality of life or rates of episodes of poor asthma control;
in the subgroup with a positive pH study, no treatment effect was observed for any asthma outcome;
increased respiratory infections noted in treatment group
 Sandur [70]
Prospective observational
28 Omeprazole 40 mgonce daily for 3 months; increased to 60 mgonce daily at 2 months if pH study remained abnormal Improved pulmonary symptom and night-time asthma symptom scores N/A Improved FEV1 Improved reflux symptom score and peak flow readings
 Yamaji [71]
60 Omeprazole 10 mgonce daily plus mosapride 5 mg three times daily versus omeprazole alone for 4 weeks N/A N/A N/A No additional amelioration of GORD symptoms when combined
 Perrin-Fayolle [73]
Prospective observational
44 Nissen fundoplication Improved N/A N/A Pulmonary improvement classified as total cure 25%, marked improvement 16%, moderate improvement 25%, no improvement 34%
95% long-term improved reflux symptoms
 Larrain [49]
26 Nissen fundoplication Improved N/A N/A Clinical improvement and reduced use of asthma rescue medications
 Spivak [74]
Prospective observational
39 Nissen fundoplication (median follow-up 2.7 years) Improved N/A N/A Improved asthma scores;
reduction in use of systemic steroids
 Ekstrom [75]
Prospective observational
13 Transabdominal/ laparoscopic fundoplication N/A N/A Unchanged N/A
 Sontag [76]
62 Antacids p.r.n. versus ranitidine 150 mg three times daily versus Nissen fundoplication for follow-up of 2 years Surgery improves asthma symptoms N/A Unchanged No effect of PEFR, rescue medications or survival
 Khoshoo [77]
Prospective observational
18 Medical treatment
(lifestyle changes, proton pump inhibitors and prokinetics) or surgical treatment (Nissen fundoplication)
Improved N/A N/A Reduction in need for rescue medications
 Khoshoo [78]
Prospective observational
44 Esomeprazole plus metoclopraminde 10 mg three times daily versus ranitidine versus Nissen fundoplication N/A Increased exacerbations in ranitidine group compared to other treatment groups N/A N/A
 Kiljander [79]
Prospective observational
69 Esomeprazole 40 mg twice daily versus Nissen fundoplication after 3 months Improved cough and dyspnoea with both treatment groups N/A Unchanged Improved SGRQ quality of life after fundoplication
 Silva [80]
Retrospective observational
30 Nissen fundoplication Improved N/A N/A Improvement in daily crises of asthma
 Hu [81]
Prospective observational
137 Stretta radiofrequency (n=82) or laparoscopic Nissen fundoplication (n=55) Improved N/A N/A Improved reflux, respiratory and ENT symptoms in both groups, better in Nissen fundoplication group at both 1 and 5 years follow-up

Abbreviations: FEV1: forced expiratory volume in 1 s; H2RAs: histamine-2 receptor antagonists; PEFR: peak expiratory flow rate; RCT: randomised controlled trial; GORD: gastro-oesophageal reflux; FVC: forced vital capacity; AQLS: Asthma Quality of Life Score; ACQ: Asthma Control Questionnaire; SGRQ: St. George's Respiratory Questionnaire; ENT: ears, nose and throat; N/A: not available.