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. 2021 Feb 15;12:627258. doi: 10.3389/fpls.2021.627258



Shoot architecture in A. alpina is shaped by vernalization and PEP1. (A) Representation of wild type A. alpina (WT) and pep1 mutant plants after flowering. Wild type plants require exposure to long-term cold to flower, whereas pep1 mutants do not and can flower directly in greenhouse conditions. Flowering wild type plants have a complex shoot architecture, which is organized in differentiated zones of basal flowering axillary branches (V1) that partially senesce; dormant buds (V2); vegetative axillary branches (V3); and the inflorescence (I). The pep1 mutant lacks this zonation and has only V1 axillary branches and the inflorescence. (B) Representation of the shoot architecture of a wild type plant during its life cycle before, during and after vernalization. Blue box represents exposure to prolonged cold, whereas the time before and after cold exposure is not colored. During long-term cold, PEP1 (AaFLC) transcript levels are reduced and both the main shoot apex and the apices of V1 axillary branches initiate flowering (yellow arrowheads). In addition, new buds (V3 buds, green circles) are formed in those leaf primordia close to the main shoot apex. These V3 buds (green circles) do not initiate flowering during cold exposure due to the repressive action of the age pathway. After cold exposure, V3 buds give rise to V3 axillary branches, which grow vegetatively because PEP1 (AaFLC) transcript levels are upregulated and repress flowering. The outgrowth of V2 buds is inhibited by paradormancy (or apical dominance) before vernalization (gray circles), by ecodormancy during cold exposure (blue circles) and by paradormancy (or latency) after plants return to growth-promoting conditions (gray circles). The dormancy status of V2 buds increases during and after vernalization, and is regulated by a mechanism that is independent of PEP1 (AaFLC). Increased dormancy in V2 buds correlates with the upregulation of BRANCHED 1 (AaBRC1), a repressor of bud outgrowth (illustrated with the purple triangle). After vernalization, increased dormancy in V2 buds is correlated with increased endogenous IAA levels in the stem and auxin transport (red arrows). Image created using