Following p.o. or i.n. administration, Chlamydia infects the GIT of mice but does not disseminate to the spleen. Shown are C. muridarum titers in ceca (A and B), MLNs (C and D), and spleens (E and F) of p.o.- or i.n.-infected mice. Mice were infected p.o. via gastric gavage with 107 or i.n. with 104 IFU of Chlamydia and at 3, 7, 14, and 21 dpi, and Chlamydia titers in tissues were determined. Chlamydia titers are expressed as log10 number of IFU per cecum, per MLN, or per gram of spleen. Data are representative of those from two separate experiments and are expressed as means ± SDs. Group means were separated using Tukey’s multiple-comparison test and were declared significantly different at a P value of <0.05 (n = 10 mice per time point). Group means that do not share a lowercase letter are significantly different.