Table 3.
Technical features (n=29) | Apps (N=115), n (%) | Selected example of app |
Basic health info and advice or FAQsa | 42 (36.52) | Covid-19 Czechia |
Contact tracing | 32 (27.83) | TraceCovid |
Alert contacts | 30 (26.08) | Tabaud |
Gadget of self-assessment | 20 (17.39) | Covive |
Live statistics and rolling updates | 19 (16.52) | NCOVI |
Latest news | 16 (13.91) | CDCb |
Symptoms tracker | 16 (13.91) | Corona Care |
Info about health services and care lines | 11 (9.57) | CoronApp-Colombia |
Map | 10 (8.69) | Corona Map |
Health or travel declaration | 8 (6.96) | Covid-19 Vietnam |
Location monitoring | 7 (6.08) | Private Kit: Safe Paths |
Sharing data or story with others | 7 (6.08) | Corona FACTS |
Remote monitoring | 6 (5.21) | Covidom Patient |
Virtual medical consultation | 6 (5.21) | Laziodr Covid |
Helpline | 6 (5.50) | Covid-19 UAE |
Chatbot | 5 (4.35) | HealthLynked COVID-19 |
Distance detection | 3 (2.61) | VírusRadar |
Recruitment of volunteers | 2 (1.74) | Covid Radar |
List of products for combating COVID-19 | 2 (1.74) | NIOSHc PPEd Tracker |
Checklist of disinfected surfaces | 1 (0.87) | Disinfection Checklist |
Making medical appointments | 1 (0.87) | GVA CoronVirus |
Medical check-up tracking | 1 (0.87) | Self-Quarantine app |
Medical report generator | 1 (0.87) | Premedicus |
Medication tracking and reminders | 1 (0.87) | Patientsphere for Covid19 |
Mood tracking and mental status | 1 (0.87) | Covid Coach |
Movement permits | 1 (0.87) | Tawakkalna KSAe |
Results of COVID-19 laboratory test | 1 (0.87) | Tatamman |
Taking photos of surfaces | 1 (0.87) | Disinfection Checklist |
Wearable devices for symptom tracking | 1 (0.87) | PatientMpower for COVID-19 |
aFAQ: frequently asked question.
bCDC: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
cNIOSH: National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health.
dPPE: personal protective equipment.
eKSA: Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.