Shortfall of clarity |
Initially identified by clinics |
Information delay of cases |
Build betrayer for the global necessity |
Travel Control |
Initially scramming for the outbreak at international borders |
Traveling without screening through international airports |
Earlier traveling from high-risk countries must be restricted. |
Quarantine Control |
Firstly, reported on Dec 31, 2019in Wuhan |
Spread of coronavirus nationally and internationally |
The high-risk area must be quarantine |
Misreported Public |
Falsehood opinion, falsity spread among the public |
False precautions, Segregation |
To escape falsity, transparency must be maintained. |
Emergency Notice delay |
Delay of a month announcing for public emergency |
Acerbity was not properly broadcasted |
Development of framework timely. |
Exploration and Evolution |
Lack of funds for treatment and vaccine of coronavirus |
Around 3, 00,000 patients died worldwide. |
The requirement of more investment for efficient treatment |