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. 2021 Jan 28;14(6):1557–1569. doi: 10.1093/ckj/sfab021

Table 8.

Comparative analytical data by AKI duration

Characteristic AKI (duration 0–7 days) AKD (duration >7 days) P-value
Haemoglobin (g/L) 13.15 (2.14) 13.02 (2.15) 0.45
Lymphocyte (103/µL) 0.97 (0.62) 1.04 (0.71) 0.22
Platelet (103/µL) 226.52 (103.70) 218.17 (104.10) 0.36
Urea (mg/dL) 86.03 (48.50) 88.55 (55.45) 0.60
75 (53–106)a 76 (I52.5–100.5)a
Creatinine (mg/dL) 1.82 (0.65) 1.93 (0.88) 0.08
GFR CKD-EPI (mL/min/1.73 m2) 37.40 (13.71) 35.21 (13.04) 0.06
Albumin (g/dL) 2.66 (0.57) 2.76 (0.59) 0.15
Calcium (mg/dL) 8.34 (0.78) 8.29 (0.91) 0.67
Calcium (albumin correction) (mg/dL) 9.44 (0.72) 9.31 (0.92) 0.32
Serum sodium (mmol/L) 139.73 (6.81) 138.63 (6.51) 0.06
Serum potassium (mmol/L) 4.42 (0.77) 4.56 (0.79) 0.08
Bicarbonate (mmol/L) 23.16 (4.83) 23.43 (4.45) 0.56
CRP (mg/L) 115.65 (49.50–204.55) a 76.5 (35.00–153.00) a  0.001b
d dimer (ng/mL) 1250 (650–3980)a 1290 (620–3700)a 0.76b

Presented analytical are collected at AKI onset. Data are presented as mean (SD) unless otherwise indicated. Variables with statistical difference between groups are highlighted in bold.


Median with IQR.


Mann–Whitney test.