Figure 1.
ddPCR analysis of CSF ctDNA across platforms, with and without pre-amplification. The effect of DNA pre-amplification on BioRad platform test sensitivity was evaluated using ctDNA extracted from H3.3K27M mutant CSF (DMG-1-C), non-tumor CSF (H-C) and non-template controls (blank). (A) ddPCR with Assay A and (B) Assay B, after PCR pre-amplification of input DNA using the same respective primer set resulted in greater droplet counts compared to ddPCR without prior DNA PCR pre-amplification. A further increase in droplet detection was achieved following DNA pre-amplification using a 300 bp H3F3A primer (Assay C), with no observed change in detected MAF with either assay after pre-amplification. (C) RainDance platform results. The effect of DNA pre-amplification on RainDance platform test sensitivity was evaluated using ctDNA extracted from H3.3K27M mutant CSF (DMG-70-C). PCR pre-amplification of input DNA using Assay A or Assay B increased detected droplet counts, relative to ddPCR analysis alone by Assay A, with no effect on observed MAF. % values = Mutation Allelic Frequency (MAF); * = Statistically significant difference in MAF (t-test, p < 0.05).