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. 2021 Feb 5;22:e00113. doi: 10.1016/j.fawpar.2021.e00113

Fig. 1.

Fig. 1

Commercial fish stocks in the Tomsk region (Resource and Ecological Atlas of the Tomsk Region, 2004): 1, Aleksandrovsky district; 2, Asinovsky district; 3, Bakcharsky district; 4, Verkhneketsky district; 5. Zyryansky district; 6, Kargasoksky district; 7, Kozhevnikovsky district; 8, Kolpashevsky district; 9, Krivosheinsky district; 10, Molchanovsky district; 11, Parabelsky district; 12, Pervomaysky district; 13, Teguldetsky district; 14, Tomsky district; 15, Chainsky district; and 16, Shegarsky district, and the cities of 17, Kedroviy; 18, Seversk; 19, Strezhevoy; and 20, Tomsk. Red points indicate sampling locations. The map is based on GDM data (, version 3.4, April 2018, and visualization using R (3.6.1) ( (For interpretation of the references to colour in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)`