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. 2021 Mar 18;14(3):356–365. doi: 10.18240/ijo.2021.03.04

Table 4. Summary of outcomes included in the review.

Study author Others Bifocal
Bifocals better Trifocals better
ReSTOR Lentis Mplus TECNIS AT LISA LISA 839 PanOptix Symfony FineVision
Cochener et al (2012)[7] Accommodative a a R ↑UNVA, ↑UDVA, and ↑SI
Alfonso et al (2012)[3] a a IV<N, F similarly, Photopic CS; LM>R at high SF
Alió et al (2011) [1] a a IV, CS LM>R whereas, NVR>LM
Alió et al (2013)[9] a a IV and CS L.M ↑>Lisa, while Lisa ↑ in D, NV
van der Linden et al (2012)[55] a a R↑had higher patient satisfaction
Marques et al (2015)[42] a a Excellent predictability and optical performance in both lenses
Domínguez-Vicent et al (2016)[43] a a a MTF (sagittal tangential Strehl ratio); defocus: trifocal showed 3 (F, I, N); MW: 2 (F, N) mean peaks respectively
Jonker et al (2015)[30] a a DC: Id in -2, -3.5, -4 D DC: Sd in -1 D; Id in 2, 1.5, 1, 0.5, 0, -0.5, -1.5, -2.5, -3 D; CS: Id in 3, 6, 12 c/d
Gundersen et al (2016)[41] a a DC: Id in 0.5 D DC: Sd in 2, -1.5 D; Id in 1.5, 1, 0, -0.5, -1, -2, -2.5, -3, -3.5, -4 D
Cochener et al (2016)[34] a a DC: Id in 2, 1.5, 1, 0.5 D
CS: Id in 1.5, 3 c/d
DC: Sd in -1, -1.5, -2, -2.5 D; Id in 0, -0.5, -3, -3.5 D CS: Id in 6, 12 c/d
Bilbao-Calabuig et al (2016)[44] a a DC: Sd in -1.5, -2, -2.5, -3, -3.5 D; Id in 2, 1.5, 1, 0.5, 0, -0.5, -1 D; CS: Sd in 3 c/d; Id in 1.5, 6, 12, 18 c/d
Plaza-Puche et al (2016)[38] a a a a a DC: Sd in -1, -1.5, -2, -2.5, -3, -3.5, -4 D; Id in 1, 0.5, 0, -0.5 D
Mojzis et al (2014)[39] a a DC: Sd in -3.5, -4 D; Id in 1, 0.5, -3 D, CS: Id in 3 c/d DC: Sd in -1, -1.5 D; Id in 0, -0.5, -2, -2.5 D, CS: Id in 6, 12, 18 c/d
Lubiński et al (2020)[31] a a DC: Sd in 1.5, 0.5, -0.5, -1.0, -2.0, -2.5, -3.0, -3.5 and -4.0 D; Id in VFQ-25 in NV
Monaco et al (2017)[40] a a DC: Sd in 1.5 D, and from -2.5 to -4.0 D
Mencucci et al (2018)[45] a a a CS: Id in Photopic, Sd in Mesopic (S>L at the SF of 18 cpd); the best outcomes in 60 cm: P, in 80 cm: S
Cochener et al (2018)[35] a a a Id in UDVA, Sd in UNVA (F and P>S), micromonovision gave; UIVA, UNVA>non-micromonovision
Esteve-Taboada et al (2015)[46] a a a F: ↑far vision; S: ↑intermediate vision; L839: ↑near vision
Ruiz-Mesa et al (2018)[48] a a a F and P>S in NVA
Ruiz-Mesa et al (2017)[47] a a Best corrected
Sudhir et al (2019)[49] a a P>S in intermediate focal point of 60 cm (arms-length), a more natural and comfortable
de Medeiros et al (2017)[33] a a a S, T>P for I, FVA and photopic CS in low sf, P>S, T for UIVA at 60 cm and for UNVA at 40 cm
Pedrotti et al (2016)[50] a a The mesopic CS of S>L, the S compensates Ch, SA in large pupil
Chang et al (2016)[51] a clinical utility aberrations for EDOF and presbyopia
Eppig et al (2015)[52] Accommodative M mesopic CS aspheric IOL>photopic, due to the correction of SA at large pupil diameters
Crnej et al (2014)[53] Accommodative M CS and SA at 12 cycles/degree: significantly lower and better, capsulorhexis size effects
Kretz et al (2015)[54] a Functional vision and stereopsis outcome binocular>monocular for all distances
Kohnen et al (2017)[32] a P is quadrifocal, good VA at all distances; (logMAR>0.1), best VA at 60 cm

SI: Spectacle independence; UCNVA: Uncorrected near visual acuity; UCIVA: Uncorrected intermediate visual acuity; ↑: Higher; VP: Visual performance; DC: Defocus curve in 100%; CS: Contrast sensitivity; I: Intermediate; F: Far; N: Near; SF: Spatial frequency; SA: Spherical aberrations; IOHOA: Internal and ocular higher-order aberration; Sd: Statistically significant differences; Id: Insignificant differences; L: Zeiss AT LISA Tri; P: AcrySof IQ PanOptix (Alcon Laboratories, Inc); R: ReSTOR multifocal IOLs (Alcon Laboratories, Inc., Fort Worth, TX) with +2.50 and +3.00 diopters, EDOF IOLs; S: TECNIS Symfony (Abbott Medical Optics, Inc., Abbott Park, IL); MW: Mini well (SIFI, Catania, Italy); LMp: Oculentis GmbH-Lentis Mplus LS-312; F: FineVision Micro F (PhysIOL SA, Liège, Belgium). aImplanted lens.