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. 2021 Feb 18;9:639409. doi: 10.3389/fbioe.2021.639409


Physicochemical properties and drug loading of andrographolide formulation with different lactide to glycolide ratio.

Formulation code Particle size (nm) Polydispersity index (PI) Zeta potential (mV) Drug loading (%) Encapsulation efficiency (%)
A1 2093 0.200.01 −23.53.8 1.50.4 11.52.9
A2 1977 0.140.03* −14.40.1* 1.00.2 7.51.5
A3 2003 0.090.01*** −13.52.5* 1.10.3 9.12.8
A4 1942* 0.100.01*** −17.25.6 1.30.2 9.81.7
A5 2026 0.080.02*** −16.21.8 1.20.1 8.71.0

Results are expressed as mean ± SD (n = 3). *signifies p < 0.05, ***signifies p < 0.001 significant differences with respect to A1. A1, 50:50 PLGA; A2, 65:35 PLGA; A3, 75:25 PLGA; A4, 85:15 PLGA; A5, 100 PLA.