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. 2021 Mar 4;21:438. doi: 10.1186/s12889-021-10440-5

Table 1.

Prevalence and relationship of anxiety based on the socio-demographic characteristics of participants (n = 1821)

Socio-demographic characteristic Total number Anxiety Statistics
N (%) Yes (GAD ≥ 8)
n (%)
No (GAD < 8)
n (%)
 Male 683 186(27.2%) 497(72.8%)

χ 2 = 1.75,

df = 1, p = 0.08

 Female 1138 343(30.1%) 795(69.9%)
Age group category
 18–22 1530 449(29.3%) 1081(70.7%)

χ2 = 0.99

df = 2, p = 0.61

 23–27 271 76(28.0%) 195(72.0%)
 > 28 20 4(20.0%) 16(80.0%)
 Malay 922 236(25.6%) 686(74.4%)

χ2 = 11.11,

df = 3, p = 0.01*

 Chinese 553 178(32.2%) 375(67.8%)
 Indian 165 53(32.1%) 112(67.9%)
 Others 181 62(34.3%) 119(65.7%)
Marital status
 Single 1799 524(29.1%) 1275(70.9%)

χ2 = 0.98,

df = 2, p = 0.61

 Married 20 5(25.0%) 15(75.0%)
 Divorced & Widow 2 0(0.0%) 2(100.0%)
Monthly family income (RM)
 RM950 and below 330 108(32.7%) 222(67.3%)

χ2 = 6.40,

df = 3, p = 0.09

 RM951-RM3,900 722 202(28.0%) 520(72.0%)
 RM3,901-RM8,400 504 132(26.2%) 372(73.8%)
 RM8,401 and above 265 87(32.8%) 178(67.2%)
 Rural 454 113(24.9%) 341(75.1%)

χ2 = 5.07,

df = 1, p = 0.02*

 Urban 1367 416(30.4%) 951(69.6%)
Current smoking
 Yes 54 22(40.7%) 32(59.3%)

χ2 = 3.96,

df = 1, p = 0.04*

 No 1767 507(28.7%) 1260(71.3%)
Alcohol consumption
 Yes 158 73(46.2%) 85(53.8%)

χ2 = 24.69,

df = 1, p < 0.01*

 No 1663 456(27.4%) 1207(72.6%)
Poor sleep quality
 Yes 779 328(42.1%) 451(57.9%)

χ2 = 112.57,

df = 1, p < 0.01*

 No 1042 201(19.3%) 841(80.7%)
Body Mass Index (BMI)
 Underweight (Below 18.5) 290 104(35.9%) 186(64.1%)

χ2 = 10.95,

df = 3, p = 0.01*

 Normal (18.5–24.9) 1068 294(27.5%) 774(72.5%)
 Overweight (25.0–29.9) 318 82(25.8%) 236(74.2%)
 Obese (30.0 and above) 145 49(33.8%) 96(66.2%)
Number of people in household
 1–5 1151 340(29.5%) 811(70.5%)

χ2 = 0.50,

df = 2, p = 0.77

 6–10 648 182(28.1%) 466(71.9%)
 ≥ 11 22 7(31.8%) 15(68.2%)
Parents with tertiary education background
 Yes 786 240(30.5%) 546(69.5%)

χ2 = 1.47,

df = 1, p = 0.22

 No 1035 289(27.9%) 746(72.1%)

*Significant at p < 0.05;