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. 2021 Mar 4;21:101. doi: 10.1186/s12883-021-02124-9

Table 1.

Characteristics of 50 patients with DM1

Characteristics Mean, SD, (Range) Men (n 24) Women (n 26) Difference between men and women/Cohens d
Age, years 40.1, SD: 12.6. (19–63) 37, SD: 13.8 (19–63) 43, SD: 10.7 (23–62) ns
CTG kb N49 1.8, SD: 1.4 (0.230–5.4) 1.3, SD: 1.1 (0.270–4.7) n24 2.3, SD: 1.5 (0.230–5.4) n25 P = 0.008/0.8
Disease duration, years 19.0, SD: 10.0 (5–42) 16.4, SD: 9.6 (5–42) 21.5, SD: 9.7 (6–40) ns
Mean strength of trunk muscles (MTT 0–3) 1.7, SD: 0.5 (1–2.6) 1.8, SD: 0.5 (1–2.6) 1.6, SD: 0.4 (1–2.3) ns
Mean strength of distal extremity (MTT 0–3) 2.3, SD: 0.5 (1.5–3) 2.3, SD: 0.5 (1.5–3) 2.3, SD: 0.5 (1.5–3) ns
Mean strength of proximal extremity (MTT 0–3) 2.6, SD: 0.3 (2–3) 2.7, SD: 0.3 (2–3) 2.6, SD: 0.3 (2–3) ns
Fatigue (FSS) Questionnaire N48 4.8, SD: 1.3 (2–7) 4.5, SD: 1.6 (2–7) n23 4.9, SD: 1 (3–7) n25 Ns / 0.33
Walking test (6MWT) N45 382.4 SD:117.6 (123–615) 417.5, SD:103.4 (123–523) n23 348.8, SD:122.8 (140–615) n22 p = 0.049/0.60
Katz ADL Questionnaire [6.0] (3–6) [5.5] (3–6) [6.0] (4–6) ns
Autism quotient index (AQ) Questionnaire N47 17.0, SD: 6.1 (6–32) 19.4, SD: 5.4 (11–32) n21 15.0, SD: 6.1 (6–28) n 26 p = 0.014 / 0.75
IQ N41 92.0, SD: 14.2 (64–137) 92.5, SD:17 (64–137) n20 91.5, SD: 11.4 (71–114) n21 ns/ 0.06
Anxiety (BAI) Questionnaire N43 [4.0] (0–26) [3.0] (0–26) n22 [4.5] (0–23) n 22 ns
Depression (BDI) Questionnaire N44 [8.0] (0–37) [7.0] (0–19) n21 [8.0] (0–37) n 23 ns
Respiration spirometry (FVC%) N 29 71.7, SD: 18.8 (25–103) 76.4, SD: 14.0 (55–103) n13 67.9, SD: 21.6 (25–99) n16 ns/ 0.77
Quality of life (WHO QOL BREF) Questionnaire 89.7, SD: 13.3 (59–115) 91.3, SD: 12.4 (71–115) n24 88.2, SD:14.1 (59–114) n26 ns/ 0.23
BMI 26.6, SD: 6.6 (15–53) 26.3, SD: 5.5 (15–34) 26.9, SD: 7.5 (17–53) ns/0.09

Mean, [Median] SD, (min/max) are presented. Exact p-levels are given for differences < 0.05 between men and women and the Cohens d effect size is reported

DM1 Myotonic Dystrophy type 1, CTG Cytosine, Thymine, Guanine, MMT Manual Muscle strength test, FSS Fatigue Severity Scale, 6MWT Six-minute walk test, Katz ADL Assessment of Activities of Daily Living, IQ Intelligence quotient, BAI Becks Anxiety Inventory, BDI Becks Depression Inventory, FVC Forced Vital Capacity, WHOQOL BREF World health Organization Quality of Life Assessment, BMI Body mass index