Sex | Condition | Food consumed as percentage of baseline average (mean ± SD) | ||||
0 hr in ABA | 24 hr in ABA | 48 hr in ABA | 72 hr in ABA | 96 hr in ABA | ||
Female | WTa |
n = 8, 99.26%±15.31 |
n = 8, 23.43%±8.799 |
n = 8, 38.75%±7.506 |
n = 8, 40.94%±9.255 |
n = 8, 45.30%±6.763 |
Female | MOR kob | – |
n = 9, 15.48%±4.751 |
n = 9, 29.35%±8.339 |
n = 9, 32.88%±7.735 |
n = 9, 41.86%±10.35 |
Male | WTc |
n = 7, 110%±4.793 |
n = 7, 17.83%±9.297 |
n = 8, 46.67%±13.26 |
n = 8, 39.34%±11.12 |
– |
Male | MOR kod | – |
n = 13, 13.10%±3.653 |
n = 13, 33.99%±11.66 |
n = 13, 31.25%±11.72 |
– |
Male | NALc | – |
n = 9, 18.70%±4.780 |
n = 8, 41.98%±10.69 |
n = 8, 43.49%±10.89 |
– |
All data presented as mean ± SD. a) One‐way repeated measures ANOVA in WT females p < 0.001; F (2.125, 14.88) =94.12. b) Two‐way repeated measures ANOVA comparing MOR knockout females to WT females followed post‐hoc analysis via Sidak's multiple comparisons. Sidak's multiple comparisons were not significant (24 hr WT vs. MOR ko:p = 0.1679; 48 hr WT vs. MOR ko: p = 0.1047, 72 hr WT vs. MOR ko: p = 0.2625; 96 hr WT vs. MOR ko: p = 0.8916) despite an overall effect (p = 0.149; F (1,15) =7.565). c) One‐way repeated measures mixed effects model to account for missing datapoint due to data collection error in WT males; p < 0.001; F (3,26) =105.5. d) Two‐way repeated measures mixed effects model comparing MOR knockout males to WT males followed by post‐hoc analysis via Sidak's multiple comparisons. Sidak's multiple comparisons were not significant (24 hr WT vs. MOR ko:p = 0.555; 48 hr WT vs. MOR ko: p = 0.1256, 72 hr WT vs. MOR ko: p = 0.3481) despite an overall effect (p = 0.003; F (1,56) =9.647). e) Two‐way repeated measures mixed effects model; p = 0.9688; F (1,42) =0.001543.