A. Schematic of the immunization protocol using HA-NPs(Y98F). Four animals were used for each sample group. B. Serum antibody response to wt HA was tested by ELISA and shown as binding as area under the curve (AUC) of Day 21 and Day 49 serum to recombinant group 1 and group 2 HA trimers. Each dot represents serum from one animal, with means and standard deviations represented by rectangles and horizontal lines, respectively. Homotypic strains that were present on the mosaic NPs and heterotypic strains that were not present are indicated by the blue and red rectangles, respectively, above the ELISA data. Significant differences between groups represented by horizontal lines are indicated by asterisks: p<0.05 *, p<0.01 **, p<0.001 ***, p<0.0001 ****. C. Serum neutralization titers from Day 45 determined by in vitro neutralization assays using infectious virus or pseudoviruses. Each dot represents serum from one animal, with geometric means and geometric standard deviations represented by rectangles and horizontal lines, respectively. Dotted lines indicate limits of detection. ND = not determined.