(A) Example trace showing the changes in center of mass (CoM) speed and height. Dotted blue lines are the boundaries between consecutive tripod stance (see text). The CoM shows clear mid-stance maxima in height and speed. (B) A slower step is characterized by smaller initial speed, smaller speed changes, and lower height. (C) Within step speed changes increase with speed (p<0.0001). Line is the best fit of y=ax to the data. a = 0.32. (D) The initial speed increases as the fly walks faster, but this increased speed makes a smaller contribution at higher speed reflected by the increased deviation (gray line is the best fit) from the line of unity (dotted red line). a = 0.9438; 95% confidence bounds (0.9393, 0.9484). (E) Distance traveled during tripod stance increases with speed (p<0.0001). a = 0.026, b = 0.39. (F) Tripod stance duration decreases with speed. a = 187.8, b = −1.056, c = 15.45.