(A) Cartoon of HP1α extension mutants with color-coded disordered residues: positive residues (K and R) blue, negative residues (E and D) red, proline yellow, and all other residues grey. (B) Timestamped images of DNA labeled with YOYO-1 undergoing compaction by 5 μM HP1αΔCTE, 5 μM HP1αΔNTEΔCTE, and 50 μM HP1αΔNTE (unlabeled) shown before, during, and after compaction. (B-) or (-) specifies location of the barrier. (C) Average DNA compaction by each HP1α mutant, HP1αΔCTE (N = 96), HP1αΔCTEΔNTE (N = 89), and HP1αΔNTE (N = 163). Error bars represent standard deviations. Compaction velocity estimated from linear fit to data (cyan). Fit constrained to the region within the two red lines.