Figure 2.
(a) A comparison of the inheritance scenarios of a homing-only gene drive (top row) and a homing-cleave-and-rescue gene drive (bottom row). The two panels in the left column show inheritance when homing is successful, and the two panels on the right show inheritance when homing fails. Each panel shows two parent squirrels and two offspring, each with the loci relevant for the gene drive. A legend for the gene drive components is provided. Squirrels colour coded halos represent their genotype: yellow = wildtype, turquoise = gene drive, blue = resistant, and purple = non-viable. (b) A potential HD-ClvR construct for grey squirrel. Colour coding is consistent with (a) and additionally, gRNAs are shown in grey. The gRNAs shown in this figure constitute one daisy element, multiple of these would constitute a daisyfield.