Histopathological alterations in the liver tissue of 0.4 mg/L of malathion exposed Channa punctatus at different days of intervals compared to control (unexposed) at 400 × .
(Fig. 6a) Liver (Control): H: Hepatocytes (polygonal in shape with a prominent nucleus), S: Sinusoids (fenestrated), HPV: Hepatic Portal Vein, RBCs: (Red Blood cells).
(Fig. 6b) Liver (4 days): HV: Vacuolization in hepatocytes, DH: Disintegration of hepatocytes cell membrane and oozing of cytoplasmic content, P: Pyknotic nuclei, C RBCs: Congestion of RBCs in HPV of hepatocyte.
(Fig. 6c) Liver (8 days): HV: Vacuolization in hepatocytes, DH: Disintegration of hepatocytes cell membrane, oozing of cytoplasmic content with lateral nuclei, P: Pyknotic nuclei, HF: Hepatocytes fusion; CS: Congested Sinusoids
(Fig. 6d) Liver (12 days): HV: Vacuolization in hepatocytes, DH: Disintegration of hepatocytes cell membrane and oozing of cytoplasmic content, P: Pyknotic nuclei, C RBCs: Congestion of RBCs in HPV of hepatocyte, HH: Hypertrophied Hepatocytes, HF: Hepatocytes fusion, M: melanomacrophages center, CS: Congested Sinusoids