Table 2.
Independent predictors of agreement with statement | ||||
I would prefer not to have calculated grades at all and instead take A levels (or equivalents) in September. | Lower predicted A-level points | BAME | Fewer conditional offers | Female |
Overall, I would prefer to withdraw entirely from calculated grades and sit exams properly next summer. | Lower predicted A-level points | BAME | Fewer conditional offers | Female |
The process described above is the best way to be fair to most students. | Higher predicted A-level points | White | Higher UCAT/BMAT scores | |
I feel confident this process will result in an accurate assessment of my true abilities. | Higher predicted A-level points | White | Male | |
Many students do better than their teachers expect; calculated grades cannot take that into account. | Lower predicted A-level points | BAME | ||
My teachers should take into account the disruption caused by coronavirus when judging grades. | Lower predicted A-level points | BAME | ||
Calculated grades should be based only on my performance, not on how previous students at my school performed. | Non-selective state school | Higher deprivation | ||
I am confident in my teachers’ abilities at grading and ranking students. | Higher predicted A-level points | White | ||
My teachers do not know enough about me to grade and rank me accurately. | Lower predicted A-level points | BAME | Fewer conditional offers | |
In large schools/colleges, it is difficult to see how teachers can rank so many students. | BAME | Lower predicted A-level points | ||
Teachers judging grades should take into account the fact that many students do not do well in mocks but then work hard and do well in exams. | Lower predicted A-level points | Female | Fewer conditional offers | |
Employers and universities in the future will treat grades from 2020 differently compared with exam grades taken from other years. | Female | Fewer conditional offers |
BAME, Black Asian and Minority Ethnic; UCAT, University Clinical Admissions Test.