Figure 3. Dependence of the activity of the Ski complex on the length of mRNA downstream of the P site.
(A) mRNA degradation in ECs assembled on [32P]cap-27nt-3’UTR MLLFF-Stop mRNA and containing MLL-tRNALeu in the P site and 39 mRNA nucleotides downstream from the P site after 30 min incubation with Dis3L1 or Dis3L1+Exo9 in the presence/absence of the Ski complex. Separation of lanes by white lines indicates that they were juxtaposed from the same gel. (B-E) mRNA degradation in (B, D) ECs and (C, E) pre-TCs assembled on [32P]cap-labeled 47nt-3’UTR, 27nt-3’UTR and 7nt-3’UTR MLLFF-Stop mRNAs and containing (B, D) 59, 39 or 19, and (C, E) 53, 33 or 13 mRNA nucleotides downstream from the P site after 30 min incubation with (B, C) Dis3L1+Exo9 or (D, E) Exo12EXOSC10/SKIV2L2/C1D in the presence/absence of the Ski complex. (F) mRNA degradation in ECs and pre-TCs assembled on [32P]cap-47nt-3’UTR after 30 min incubation with Exo10Dis3L1 or Exo12EXOSC10/SKIV2L2/C1D.