Figure 4. Overview of the HalV IGR IRES Bound to the O. cuniculus 80S Ribosome.
(A) Superimposition of the 60S subunit from the unrotated and rotated complexes, to emphasize 40S and IRES movement.
(B) Cryo-EM map of the unrotated complex. The 40S is semi-transparent to reveal the path of the IRES.
(C) The 3D-based secondary structure diagrams of the IGR IRES from HalV (top) and CrPV (bottom). Color coding by domain according to functional role. Residueconservation: >80%, red; 60%–80%, blue (within a set of 19 IGR IRES sequences [see Figure S2]). Inset, classical representation of a secondary structure diagram for the CrPV IRES.
(D) Comparison of the overall structures of HalV and CrPV. Color coding as in (C).