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. 2021 Jan 22;86:e64–e73. doi: 10.5114/pjr.2021.103239

Table 3.

Spearman correlation coefficient rs and ρ-values for metabolic and radiomics features in 3D mode with tumour metabolic volume, tumour staging, and maximum diameter; cells signed with (*) are medium correlation where cells signed with (**) are high correlation

3D features Diameter (rs) Diameter (ρ) AJCC staging (rs) AJCC staging (ρ) MTV (rs) MTV (ρ)
SUVmean/std 0.5019 0.0029** 0.3242 0.0657* 0.6090 0.0002**
SUVmin (SUV) –0.5439 0.0011** –0.2844 0.1087 –0.5505 0.0009**
SUVmean (SUV) 0.3246 0.0654* 0.4177 0.0156* 0.5114 0.0024**
_SUVstd (SUV) 0.4400 0.0104* 0.3509 0.0453* 0.6123 0.0002**
SUVmax (SUV) 0.4882 0.0040* 0.4108 0.0176* 0.6928 < 0.0001**
SUVpeak 1 ml 0.4903 0.0038 0.3799 0.0292* 0.6801 < 0.0001**
TLG (ml) 0.7461 < 0.0001** 0.4556 0.0077* 0.9776 < 0.0001**
HISTO_Skewness 0.3281 0.0623* 0.1334 0.4592 0.4679 0.006*
HISTO_Kurtosis 0.2966 0.0937 –0.0407 0.8222 0.3382 0.0542*
HISTO_Entropy_log10 0.4500 0.0086* 0.3554 0.0424* 0.6230 0.0001**
HISTO_Energy –0.4323 0.0120* –0.3452 0.0491* –0.5946 0.0003**
Sphericity (only for 3D ROI) –0.2573 0.1483 –0.4117 0.0173* –0.5003 0.0030**
SHAPE_Compacity ROI (nZ > 1) 0.7363 < 0.0001** 0.3128 0.0764* 0.9542 < 0.0001**
GLCM_Homogeneity –0.2991 0.0908 –0.3118 0.0773* –0.4602 0.007*
GLCM_Energy –0.4090 0.0181* –0.3576 0.041* –0.5872 0.0003**
GLCM_Contrast 0.3269 0.0633* 0.3358 0.0561* 0.4773 0.0050*
GLCM_Correlation 0.6277 < 0.0001** 0.2483 0.1635 0.7614 < 0.0001**
GLCM_Entropy_log10 0.4323 0.0120* 0.3805 0.0289* 0.6096 0.0002**
GLCM_Dissimilarity 0.3145 0.0746* 0.3340 0.0575* 0.4766 0.0050*
GLRLM_SRE 0.1169 0.5190 0.2701 0.1285 0.2012 0.2615
GLRLM_LRE –0.0875 0.6283 –0.2556 0.1511 –0.1310 0.4674
GLRLM_LGRE –0.1273 0.4802 –0.2668 0.1333 –0.2707 0.1276
GLRLM_HGRE 0.3460 0.0486* 0.4115 0.0174* 0.5394 0.0012**
GLRLM_SRLGE –0.1521 0.3982 –0.324 0.0658* –0.3185 0.0708*
GLRLM_SRHGE 0.3314 0.0596* 0.4218 0.0145* 0.5124 0.0023**
GLRLM_LRLGE –0.0087 0.9617 –0.1133 0.5303 –0.0745 0.6802
GLRLM_LRHGE 0.3883 0.0256* 0.4538 0.0080* 0.6380 < 0.0001**
GLRLM_GLNU 0.6943 < 0.0001** 0.2672 0.1328 0.8930 < 0.0001**
GLRLM_RLNU 0.7143 < 0.0001** 0.4324 0.0120* 0.9733 < 0.0001**
GLRLM_RP 0.1074 0.5519 0.2334 0.1911 0.1852 0.3023
NGLDM_Coarseness –0.711 < 0.0001** –0.3993 0.0213* –0.9652 < 0.0001**
NGLDM_Contrast –0.0054 0.9764 0.181 0.3135 0.0896 0.6201
NGLDM_Busyness 0.3197 0.0697* 0.0937 0.6041 0.4676 0.0061*
GLZLM_SZE 0.3018 0.0878* 0.46 0.0071* 0.3061 0.0831*
GLZLM_LZE 0.1057 0.5581 –0.1296 0.4722 0.1407 0.4348
GLZLM_LGZE –0.311 0.0781* –0.4422 0.0100* –0.5043 0.0028**
GLZLM_HGZE 0.4122 0.0171* 0.4149 0.0163* 0.6243 0.0001**
GLZLM_SZLGE –0.3756 0.0312* –0.3683 0.0350* –0.6233 0.0001**
GLZLM_SZHGE 0.4042 0.0197* 0.4110 0.0175* 0.5929 0.0003**
GLZLM_LZLGE 0.1910 0.2869 –0.0546 0.7627 0.2176 0.2239
GLZLM_LZHGE 0.1793 0.3180 –0.1036 0.5660 0.2654 0.1355
GLZLM_GLNU 0.6590 < 0.0001** 0.4915 0.0037* 0.9181 < 0.0001**
GLZLM_ZLNU 0.6412 < 0.0001** 0.4607 0.0070* 0.8590 < 0.0001**
GLZLM_ZP 0.1273 0.4802 0.2988 0.0912 0.1888 0.2926