(A) Confocal images of pairs of retina flat mounts from the right and left eyes of a P41 rd1 mice that received a coinjection of AAV-Best1-Nrf2 and AAV-hRedO-H2b-GFP in the left eye (left panel) and control AAV-hRedO-H2b-GFP in the right eye (right panel) (n = 13 mice). Each point of fluorescence is the nucleus of a cone. Note the disruptions, which appear as “holes” or “craters” in the cone mosaic, particularly in the right eyes. (B) Confocal images of a pair of retinas from the right and left eyes of P48 rd1 mouse, with anti-GFAP labeling, demonstrating fairly uniform GFAP distribution in the left retina from the eye that received AAV-Best1-Nrf2 but significant upregulation and distortion of the radial Muller glial fibers in areas of cone loss in the right retina from the eye that received AAV-hRedO-H2b-GFP only (n = 2 mice). Insets show higher magnification of these areas with GFP (C) and GFAP (D). Scale bars: 500 μm for A and B, 200 μm for C and D.