(A) RPE flat mounts showing staining for antibodies against GCLC, TXNRD1, or MRP4. Each row shows flat mounts from pairs of left and right eyes from a P40 rd1 mouse (1 pair per antibody). In the left eyes, only a control AAV-hRedO-GFP was injected. In the right eyes, the eye was also injected with AAV-Best1-Nrf2. Staining was absent in the eyes on the left-hand side, which did not have overexpression of Nrf2. In the pair of eyes stained with MRP4, only the right half of the eye was infected with Nrf2. Scale bars: 200 μm. (B) Sections from pairs of left and right eyes from P40 rd1 mice. In the left eyes, only a control virus, AAV-Best1-GFP was injected. In the right eye, the eye was also injected with AAV-Best1-Nrf2. Selective expression of GFP showing the RPE layer was seen in both eyes (n = 2 per antibody). Scale bars: 50 μm.