Figure 3. HIV-specific CD8+ T cells have lower expression of PD-1 but not other coinhibitory receptors.
(A) Expression of PD-1 in multimer+ HIV–specific multimer+ CD8+ T cells (annotated with median and range; MFI, median fluorescence intensity). (B) Correlation between PD-1 and TCF-1 expression in multimer+ HIV-specific CD8+ T cells (black dots, all participants; green triangles, controllers only). (C) Expression of PD-1 within TCF-1+ versus TCF-1– HIV-specific CD8+ T cells. (D) Expression of TIGIT, CD160, and 2B4 in multimer+ HIV–specific multimer+ CD8+ T cells. These studies included data from a maximum of n = 13 viremic, 10 ART-suppressed, and 12 controller participants (as indicated in each figure), some with 2 multimer specificities. Linear mixed effects models to account for clustering within participants (A, D), Wilcoxon’s signed-rank (C), and Spearman’s correlation (B).