Figure 4. TCF-1 expression is negatively correlated with antigen exposure.
(A) TCF-1 expression in HIV-specific CD8+ T cells after 6 days of in vitro peptide stimulation in divided versus undivided cells (n = 12 biological replicates). (B) TCF-1 expression in multimer+ CD8+ T cells (black) in each division peak after 6 days of in vitro peptide stimulation (naive CD8+ T cells shown in blue for reference); data are representative of pattern observed in n = 12 biological replicates. (C) TCF-1 expression in multimer+ CMV-specific CD8+ T cells from individuals with HIV (ART-suppressed [n = 12] versus controller [n = 4]). (D) Negative correlation between TCF-1 expression and plasma HIV viral load (VL; n = 15). (E) Expression of TCF-1 in HIV-specific CD8+ T cells in ART-suppressed individuals, depending on the duration of ART (n = 9 individuals). Wilcoxon’s signed-rank (A), Wilcoxon’s rank sum (C), Spearman’s correlation (D), and linear mixed effects models to account for clustering within participants (E).