Figure 5. TCF-1 KO impairs human CD8+ T cell proliferation.
(A) Correlation between TCF-1 expression in HIV-specific CD8+ T cells and the proportion that divide after 6-day in vitro peptide stimulation. (B) Correlation between TCF-1 expression in CMV-specific CD8+ T cells and their expansion after 6-day in vitro peptide stimulation (fold change [FC] in the frequency of CMV-specific CD8+ T cells [gated on total CD8+ T cells], stimulated versus unstimulated cells; n = 14). (C) CRISPR-Cas9–mediated deletion of TCF7 (Scr, scrambled guide RNA [gRNA]; RNP, ribonucleoprotein; n = 13 biological replicates). (D) TCF-1 protein downregulation in CD8+ T cells after TCF7 KO (red) compared with electroporation with Scr gRNA (gray). (E) CD8+ T cell phenotype after TCF7 KO. (F) Proportion of divided CD8+ T cells (%CTVlo) after 5-day stimulation with αCD3/CD28. (G) Correlation between the reduction in TCF-1 expression (MFI) and the reduction of CD8+ T cell proliferation (%CTVlo after stimulation). Spearman’s correlation (A, B, and G) and Wilcoxon’s signed-rank (D–F).