Frequencies of cytokine-producing CD8+ T cells were measured in human BAL samples by intracellular staining flow cytometry analysis following stimulation with influenza antigens or nonstimulation (mock) in each group. Volunteers were divided by vaccine and colonization status in TIV/Spn– (n = 6), TIV/Spn+ (n = 8), LAIV/Spn– (n = 10), LAIV/Spn+ (n = 9), and unvaccinated (n = 8, 3 Spn– and 5 Spn+) groups. Production of TNF-α by (A) total CD8+ T cells and (B) TRM CD8+ T cells in each group (paired unstimulated [mock] and stimulated condition [flu]). Production of IFN-γ production by (C) total CD8+ T cells and (D) TRM CD8+ T cells in each group. Each individual dot represents a single volunteer, and the conditions per individual are connected. *P
< 0.05, **P
< 0.01 by Wilcoxon’s test.