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. 2020 Dec 5;50(2):597–598. doi: 10.1093/ageing/afaa257

Table 1.

Domains of the comprehensive geriatric assessment (CGA) as delivered during in-person vs. telehealth clinical encounters.

Domain In-person CGA Telehealth CGA
Comorbidities Chart review Clinical interview Same, but improved interview with involvement of caregiver
Geriatric Medication Review Semi-structured interview using chart list and patient input Semi-structured interview and medication reconciliation in the home
Function ADLs and IADLs Same
Mobility Falls screen Falls screen
Chair stands With video: Chair stands, observation of gait and movement in living space
Timed up and go (TUG) Gait speed
Sensory Finger rub/whisper test for hearing For patients who are hard of hearing: ensure access to hearing aids, use amplification device, use closed captioning.
Visual screening
For patients with visual impairment: ensure access to glasses, involve caregiver with video technology.
Cognition Clinical interview Cognitive screening tests* Telephone-only: clinical interview, telephone-MoCA, CAM
With video: Mini-Cog or MoCA
Mood Mood screening questionnaire# Same
Nutrition Food quality and access Food quality and access
Mini Nutritional Assessment (MNA) MNA
Clinic weight Ask for weight on home scale
Physical exam With video: Physical exam
Social Domains Clinical interview regarding social domains (e.g. home services, caregiver stress/support, social network, etc.) Same
Advance Care Planning Serious illness conversation Serious illness conversation
Completion of HCP and/or MOLST form in person Completion of remote HCP and/or MOLST form (via two-clinician verbal authorization, electronic communication, or mail)
Frailty Frailty screen^ Same

*Confusion Assessment Method (CAM), Mini-Cog, Montreal Cognitive Assessment (MoCA), or other indicated cognitive screening tool.

#May include Patient Health Questionnaire (PHQ) -2 or − 9, Geriatric Depression Scale (GDS), Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD) -2 or − 7, and/or other indicated tools.

^FRAIL scale (fatigue, resistance, ambulation, illnesses, and loss of weight), Clinical Frailty Scale (CFS), and/or frailty index (FI).