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. 2020 Aug 11;42(6):415–426. doi: 10.1016/j.pld.2020.07.009

Table 2.

Overview of the plant species used against hematophagous invertebrates in the Bulang, Jinuo and Lahu villages of Xishuangbanna (China) and references to previous bioactive studies of these or related plant species. FC, frequency of citation. FL, fidelity level. UV, use value.

Species, family (voucher number) Most common local name(s)a Statusb Habitc Partsd Method of application Target category FC UV Scientific literature
Ageratum conyzoides L., Asteraceae, 19LZN07 B: nia ge long; ya ming wai W H AP; L Burned for fumigation; Leaves crushed and applied on skin Mosquitoes 13 0.05 Mosquito repellent (Egunyomi et al., 2010; Trongtokit et al., 2005); Pesticide (Bouda et al., 2001; Moreira et al., 2007)
Allium sativum L., Amaryllidaceae, 20LZN01 B: hong huo C H Bu Crushed and applied on skin Mosquitoes 2 0.01 Mosquito repellent (Campbell et al., 2011); Insect repellent and insecticide (Mobki et al., 2014);
Crushed and applied on skin Land leeches 1
Artemisia austroyunnanensis Y. Ling & Y.-R. Ling, Asteraceae, 19LZN05 L: a ka
B: bia; se duo yi; a (se) bu lang
J: di di; jia kuo jia la; guo fu guo lo
W H Br; L Burned for fumigation; Leaves crushed and applied on skin; Carrying leaves Mosquitoes 145 0.81 Artemisia nilagirica as mosquito larvicide, adulticide, and repellent (Panneerselvam et al., 2012)
Leaves crushed and applied on skin Land leeches 27
Put in chicken rings Chicken mites 21
Artemisia indica Willd., Asteraceae, 19LZN06 L: a ka
B: bia; se duo yi; a (se) bu lang
J: di di; jia kuo jia la; guo fu guo lo
W H Br; L Burned for fumigation; Leaves crushed and applied on skin; Carrying leaves; Mosquitoes 145 0.81 Artemisia vulgaris as mosquito repellent (Hwang et al., 1985)
Leaves crushed and applied on skin Land leeches 27
Put in chicken rings Chicken mites 21
Artocarpus heterophyllus Lam., Moraceae, 19LZN27 B:ge nong C T Fr Minced and thrown in the field Aquatic leeches 5 0.02 Anthelmintic (Hurtada et al., 2012)
Blumea balsamifera (L.) DC., Asteraceae, 19LZN01 L: xing jin
B: se gong gang; gua na
W H Br; L Burned for fumigation; Leaves crushed and applied on skin Mosquitoes 7 0.03 Insecticide (Wang et al., 2012; Chu et al., 2013)
Boenninghausenia albiflora (Hook.) Rchb. ex Meisn., Rutaceae, 19LZN14 B: ki mu o W H L Burned for fumigation; Placed indoors; Worn on head Mosquitoes 8 0.06 Insecticide (Tandon and Mittal, 2018; Khan et al., 2017; Mehmood and Shahzadi, 2014); Ant repellent (Mehmood and Shahzadi, 2014)
Placed indoors Lice 1
Leaves crushed and applied on skin Land leeches 1
Put in chicken rings Chicken mites 9
Castanopsis mekongensis A. Camus, Fagaceae, 19LZN42 B:ga sa W T Ba Crushed and applied on skin Land leeches 3 0.01
Cestrum nocturnum L., Solanaceae, 19LZN17 B: da ong ne C, S S Fl Plant the tree in the yard; Placed indoors; Worn on head Mosquitoes 8 0.03 Mosquito repellent and larvicide (El-Sheikh et al., 2016; Patil et al., 2011); Insecticide (Jawale and Dama, 2010)
Chromolaena odorata (L.) R.M. King & H. Rob., Asteraceae, 19LZN03 L: na bo gu
B: nia mi hang; nai ge la
W H Br; L Burned for fumigation Mosquitoes 8 0.04 Insecticide (Delobel and Malonga, 1987; Bouda et al., 2001); Mosquito repellent (Gillij et al., 2008; Maharaj et al., 2010; Gade et al., 2017); Mosquito larvicide (Gade et al., 2017)
Leaves crushed and applied on skin Land leeches 1
Cinnamomum bejolghota (Buch. -Ham.) Sweet, Lauraceae, 19LZN09 L: xiang nuo W T Ba Dried and ground into powder, made into incense for burning Mosquitoes 2 0.01 Antihelmintic (Gogoi et al., 2014)
Cinnamomum iners Reinw. ex Blume, Lauraceae, 19LZN10 L: xiang nuo W T Ba Dried and ground into powder, made into incense for burning Mosquitoes 2 0.01 Cinnamomum osmophloeum as mosquito adulticide and larvicide (Mdoe et al., 2014)
Cinnamomum zeylanicum as insecticide (Volpato et al., 2016)
Cissus javana DC., Vitaceae, 19LZN34 B: en dai lai W L L Put in chicken rings Chicken mites 2 0.01
Clausena excavata Burm. f., Rutaceae, 19LZN13 L: a xie ci
B: guo neng la wai; a kelep
J: ya o sha ne
W S L Burned for fumigation; Crushed and applied on skin; Placed under bed Mosquitoes 6 0.13 Mosquito larvicide (Cheng et al., 2009)
Placed under bed Lice 2
Put in chicken rings Chicken mites 23
Clerodendrum bungei Steud., Lamiaceae, 19LZN19 L: a pa nu
B: den hen; wa ke le
J: bu le ba a pu
W S L Burned for fumigation Mosquitoes 19 0.08
Put in chicken rings Chicken mites 1
Conoclinium coelestinum (L.) DC., Asteraceae, 19LZN02 L: gai fang mu
B: nia (ya) gong sang
J: yi cuo bi ci
W H AP; L Burned for fumigation; Slightly heated on fire and placed indoors Mosquitoes 10 0.05 Acaricide (Nong et al., 2012)
Leaves crushed and applied on skin Land leeches 2
Cymbopogon citratus (DC.) Stapf, Poaceae, 19LZN40 L: zi huo ma C H L Burned for fumigation Mosquitoes 2 0.01 Mosquito repellent (Solomon et al., 2012); Mosquito adulticide (Phasomkusolsil and Soonwera, 2011); Housefly toxicity (Kumar et al., 2013)
Datura metel L., Solanaceae, 19LZN18 B:ke ba W H L Burned for fumigation Mosquitoes 2 0.01 Mosquito larvicide (Murugan et al., 2015; Chakkaravarthy et al., 2011)
Elsholtzia blanda (Benth.) Benth., Lamiaceae, 19LZN24 J: a lie pa xi li; la fe cuo po W H L Burned for fumigation; Crushed and applied on skin Mosquitoes 3 0.01 Insecticide (Lü and He, 2010)
Eranthemum shweliense W.W.Sm., Acanthaceae, 19LZN38 J: xie mu W S L Crushed and applied on skin Mosquitoes 2 0.01
Laggera pterodonta (DC.) Sch.Bip. ex Oliv., Asteraceae, 19LZN04 L: su guo ma
B: e le bing; de long
W H AP; L Burned for fumigation; Slightly heated on fire and placed indoors Mosquitoes 15 0.06 Mosquito adulticide (Njan-Nloga et al., 2007); Insecticide (Guo et al., 2017)
Litsea cubeba (Lour.) Pers., Lauraceae, 19LZN12 B: da ma lao leng W T L; Fr Crushed and applied on skin Mosquitoes 2 0.01 Mosquito repellent (Noosidum et al., 2008; Trongtokit et al., 2005); Nematicide (Park et al., 2007); Insecticide (Yang et al., 2014)
Lobelia seguinii H. Lév. & Vaniot, Campanulaceae, 19LZN39 L: mi (mu) duo yo W H L Burned for fumigation Mosquitoes 1 0.02
Put in chicken rings Chicken mites 3
Melicope pteleifolia (Champ. ex Benth.) T.G. Hartley, Rutaceae, 19LZN15 L: si ci ka W S L Put in chicken rings Chicken mites 2 0.01 Main compound leptol A as mosquito adulticide (Li et al., 2003)
Nicotiana tabacum L., Solanaceae, 19LZN16 L: su
B: ga (en) bai; ya; ya qing ai
J: ya huo
C H L Burned for fumigation; Leaves crushed and applied on skin; Leaves soaked in water and sprayed Mosquitoes 32 0.42 Insecticide (Akumefula et al., 2014)
Leaves crushed and applied on skin; Leaves soaked in water and wiped Land leeches 55
Put in chicken rings Chicken mites 12
Polygonum barbatum L., Polygonaceae,17GY019 J: she pi W H AP Put in chicken rings Chicken mites 3 0.02
Put under beds Lice 1
Phyllanthus emblica L., Phyllanthaceae, 19LZN41 B: xi mi W T Br; L Fresh branches or dried powdered leaves burned for fumigation; Slightly heated on fire and placed under seats; Placed under bed Mosquitoes 6 0.02 Mosquito adulticide (Bagavan et al., 2009); Mosquito larvicide (Bagavan et al., 2009; Jeyasankar et al., 2012); Moth larvicide and anti-feedant (Minj et al., 2017)
Pinus yunnanensis Franch., Pinaceae, 19LZN31 L: tuo sa
B: gua gi
W T L; Fr Burned for fumigation Mosquitoes 3 0.01 Pinus longifolia as mosquito repellent and larvicide (Ansari et al., 2005)
Prunus persica (L.) Batsch, Rosaceae, 19LZN33 L: a vi
J: se ye; pa kuo
C T L Leaves crushed and applied on skin Mosquitoes 1 0.09 Fly larvicide (Seo and Park, 2012)
Put in chicken rings Chicken mites 21
Psidium guajava L., Myrtaceae, 19LZN30 J: ma gui C, S T L Put in chicken rings Chicken mites 2 0.01 Anthelmintic (Nil et al., 2015)
Thalictrum foliolosum DC., Ranunculaceae, 19LZN35 B:ki mu leng W H L Burned for fumigation Mosquitoes 5 0.05
Put in chicken rings Chicken mites 6
Toona sinensis (A. Juss.) M. Roem., Meliaceae, 19LZN36 B: mei yong
J: gu si
C T Ba; L Burned for fumigation Mosquitoes 2 0.03 Insect repellent (Chen, 2010); Insecticide (Adfa et al., 2017)
Put in chicken rings Chicken mites 5

B: Bulang; J: Jinuo; L: Lahu.


W: wild; C: cultivated; S: semi-cultivated (cultivated and reverted to wild status, and neglected cultivated plants).


H: herb; T: tree; S: shrub; L: liana.


AP: aerial parts; Ba: bark; Br: branches; Bu: bulbs; Fl: flowers; Fr: fruits; L: leaves.