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. 2020 Nov 5;100(3):100806. doi: 10.1016/j.psj.2020.10.060

Table 1.

Summary of the experimental setup parameters and results of the NE trials selected from literature.

Parameters & results Single laste Eimeria administration
Early repeated Eimeria administration
Trial A Trial B Trial C Trial D Trial E Trial F
Setup parameters Reference Mot et al. (2013) Mot et al. (2013) Van Waeyenberghe et al. (2016) Da Costa et al. (2013) Dierick et al. (2019) Van Damme et al. (2020)
Housing density (birds/m2) 15.3 19.3 20 16.6 18.7 18.7
Feed Wheat/rye (43%/7.5%) Wheat/rye (43%/7.5%) Wheat/corn (48%/10%) Wheat/rye (43%/7.5%) Wheat/rye (43%/7.5%) Wheat/rye (43%/7.5%)
Protein source Soybean meal Soybean meal Soybean meal Soybean meal Soybean meal Soybean meal
Day to switch to fishmeal 17 17 17 17 17 17
Concentration fishmeal (%) 30 30 40 30 30 30
Immunosuppression Nobilis Gumboro D78 (in drinking water—day 16) Nobilis Gumboro D78 (in drinking water—day 16) / Nobilis Gumboro D78 (in drinking water—day 16) Nobilis Gumboro D78 (oral gavage—day 4 and 9) Nobilis Gumboro D78 (oral gavage—day 4 and 9)
Type of Eimeria 10x Paracox-5 (oral gavage) 10x Paracox-5 (oral gavage) 10x Paracox-8 (oral gavage) 10x Paracox-5 (oral gavage) 10x Hipracox or Paracox-5 (oral gavage) 10x Hipracox or Paracox-8 (oral gavage)
Timing Eimeria challenge Second day of CP challenge Second day of CP challenge Second day of CP challenge Second day of CP challenge Two and 4 days before CP challenge Two and 4 days before CP challenge
CP strain CP56 CP56 CP56 CP56 CP56 CP56
Timing CP challenge Days 17–20 Days 17–20 Days 18–21 Days 17–20 Days 17–19 Days 18–20
Lesion scoring system Keyburn et al. (2006) Keyburn et al. (2006) Keyburn et al. (2006) Keyburn et al. (2006) Keyburn et al. (2006) Keyburn et al. (2006)
Timing necropsy 4 to 6 d after first CP challenge 4 to 6 d after first CP challenge 1 to 5 d after first CP challenge 1 to 3 d after first CP challenge 3 d after first CP challenge 3 d after first CP challenge
Results NE + animals 48% 52% 32% 48% 62% 85%
Mean lesion score (total) 1.03 1.57 0.68 1.04 2.10 3.33
Mean lesion score (NE+) 2.14 3 2.17 2.17 3.48 3.91

Eimeria challenge was induced by oral gavage with a tenfold dose of a live attenuated vaccine: Hipracox (containing E. tenella, E. acervulina, E. maxima, E. praecox, and E. mitis), Paracox-5 (containing E. acervulina, E. maxima, E. mitis, and E. tenella), or Paracox-8 (containing E. acervulina, E.brunetti, E. maxima, E. mitis, E. necatrix, E. praecox, and E. tenella).

Abbreviations: CP, Clostridium perfringens; NE + animals, amount of animals with an NE lesion score equal to or higher than 2.