Comparison of force-feeding influence between 2 breeds on intestinal digestive enzyme activity and antioxidant performance. (A) Force-feeding influence on small intestinal digestive enzyme activity. (B) Force-feeding influence on small intestinal antioxidant performance. The unit of CAT is U/mg-prot, the unit of MAD is nmol/mg-prot, the unit of SOD is U/mg-prot, the unit of T-AOC is mmol/g-prot, the unit of TGP is mU/mg-prot. The experimental values are the means ± SD (n = 5). The different lowercase above the bars represent significant differences (P < 0.05). Abbreviations: CAT, catalase; F-GG, force-feeding group of Gang Goose; F-TG, force-feeding group of Tianfu Meat Goose; MAD, malonyldialdehyde; N-GG, normal-feeding group of Gang Goose; N-TG, normal-feeding group of Tianfu Meat Goose; SOD, superoxide dismutase; T-AOC, total antioxidant capacity; TGP, total glutathione peroxidase.