Table 1.
Important terminology and acronyms
Abbreviation | Explanation |
IBD | Isolation by distance: the expectation of increased genetic distance with increased geographic distance (3, 4) |
CSE | Cavalli-Sforza–Edwards distance (38) |
Linearized FST | Measure of genetic distance: FST/(1 − FST) |
Full | Complete dataset (38 sites, 703 pairwise genetic distances) |
Train | Complete dataset excluding one point and its affiliated pairs (37 sites, 666 pairwise genetic distances) |
Test | One point and its affiliated pairs (1 site, 37 pairwise genetic distances) |
Rtrain | Pearson correlation between predicted and observed enetic distance for training dataset |
Rtest | Pearson correlation between predicted and observed genetic distance for testing dataset |
Rfull | Pearson correlation between predicted and observed genetic distance for full dataset |
RMSEtrain | Root-mean-square error of model using the training dataset |
RMSEtest | Root-mean-square error of model using the testing dataset |
RMSEfull | Root-mean-square error of model using the full dataset |
RF | Random forest: a nonlinear classification and regression tree analysis |
RSQtrain | Pseudo-R-squared (% variance explained by the model) built with the training dataset |
RSQfull | Pseudo-R-squared (% variance explained by the model) built with the full dataset |
See SI Appendix, Table S3 for more details.