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. 2021 Mar 6;20:135. doi: 10.1186/s12936-021-03668-4

Table 3.

Characteristics of cross-border malaria cases originating from Venezuela and Guyana into Brazil, by type, 2016–18

Variable From Venezuela From Guyana
Border Transna-tional χ2 p-value Border Transna-tional χ2 p-value
Sex 0.012 0.126
 Female 2234 2201 17 1016
 Male 4264 4611 60 2274
Age group < 0.001 0.071
 Under 5 226 198 1 53
 5 to 15 442 254 2 56
 16 to 24 1524 1,489 21 635
 25 to 40 2666 3,161 29 1801
 41 to 64 1533 1659 23 731
 Over 65 107 51 1 14
Nationality < 0.001 < 0.001
 Brazil 671 6486 73 3,258
 Venezuela 5827 322 0 6
G uyana 0 3 4 25
 Others 0 1 0 1
Occupation < 0.001 < 0.001
 Agriculture 126 190 9 122
 Domestic 370 89 1 66
 Forestry 13 44 1 14
 Hunter/fisherman 20 16 0 3
 Miner 5370 4419 46 2472
 Tourist 21 91 1 25
 Travelling 87 209 2 46
 Other 491 1754 36 542
Detection method < 0.001 < 0.001
 Active detection 57 171 18 127
 Passive detection 6439 6612 81 3136
Parasite species < 0.001 0.930
 P. falciparum 1384 1129 9 407
 P. vivax 4606 4970 63 2638
 Mixed/other 508 713 5 245
State < 0.001 < 0.001
 Acre 0 2 0 0
 Amapá 0 7 0 2
 Amazonas 28 468 0 107
 Pará 0 186 0 203
 Rondônia 0 6 0 11
 Roraima 6470 5696 77 2179
  Others 0 437 0 788