Table 2.
Experimental groups of A. mellifera jemenitica first instars and their relevant diet components as designed for investigation of the in vivo susceptibility of P. larvae (ksuPL5) toward purified immune peptides.
Experimental groups | Diet components |
G1 | ND only (negative control) |
G2 | ND + IPF-B (64 µg/mL−1) (positive control) |
G3 | ND + P. larvae spores (1 × 106 CFU/mL) |
G4 | ND + P. larvae spores (1 × 106 CFU/mL) + IPF-B (64 µg/mL−1) |
Experimental groups G1, G2, G3 and G4 (50 larvae each); ND: Normal diet (artificial royal diet); IPF-B: Immune peptides of fraction B.