Fig. 5.
In human cervical cancer specimen, GLP-1R expression was increased and positively correlated with PSMA2 expression in patients with T2D, supplemented by experimental evidence in multiple cervical cancer systems. GLP-1R expression was examined in TCGA database (a). The protein (b, c) (red: GLP-1R, blue: DAPI, magnification: × 400. The white scale bar represents 25 μm) and RNA expression (d) of GLP-1R was examined in cervical cancer specimens from patients with and without T2D. (e-f) Correlation analysis was performed between GLP-1R and PSMA2 expression in cervical cancer specimens from patients with and without T2D. The RNA expression of GLP-1R was examined in human cervical cancer cell lines (g) and CUP-1 cells (h). GLP-1R protein expression was examined in human cervical cancer cell lines under normal and high glucose medium (i-l). GLP-1R and PSMA2 protein expression in CUP-1 cells with or without GLP-1R siRNA transfection (m-o). Data are presented as mean±SD with individual data points in histograms. * p < 0.05, ** p < 0.01, *** p < 0.001. (For interpretation of the references to color in this figure legend, reader can refer to the web version of this article.)