Table 2.
Study design, associations of investigated factors with of potentially inappropriate medication (PIM) and risk of biasa
Author, year Study design | Criteria used to define PIM | Patient factors | System/Environment factors | Clinician factors | Risk of bias |
Administrative data | |||||
Zhang (2010)[27] Cross-sectional |
HEDIS medications considered to be high risk and potential drug–disease interactions | None | Adjusted annual gross drug spending per beneficiary and adjusted annual gross non-drug medical spending [higher non-drug spending] | None | Low |
Woelfel (2011)[20] Cross-sectional |
Beers Criteria 1997 | Age, sex, self-reported health status, number of medications per patient [higher] | None | None | Low |
Blackwell (2012)[29] Cross-sectional |
Beers Criteria 2003 excluding those with dose requirements or disease requirements | Age [65–74, ref: 75+], race/ethnicity [white, ref: black/other] sex [female, ref: male], disease burden [low, ref: medium-low], number of medications [higher] | Geographic region [midwest, south, west, other, ref: northeast], dual enrollee status [ref: non-dual enrollee] | None | Low |
Holmes (2013)[31] Cross-sectional |
Beers Criteria 2003 – excluding drug-disease combinations | Age, sex [female, ref: male], race/ethnicity [black, ref: white], hospitalization in the year prior to PIM use (2007) [not hospitalized at least once, ref: hospitalized at least once] nursing home stay in 2008, comorbidity score (Elixhauser), total number of medications in 2008 [six or more medications, ref: <5 medications], number of different prescribers [two or more prescribers, ref: 1 prescriber] | Eligibility for low-income subsidy [eligible, ref: not eligible] | None | Low |
Lund (2013)[32] Cross-sectional |
Four methods: Zhan Criteria, modified Fick Criteria, therapeutic duplication, drug–drug interactions | None | Zhan criteria: rural [ref: urban], midwest, west, south [ref: northeast], Rural northeast [ref: urban northeast], urban midwest [ref: rural midwest], urban west [ref: rural west], rural south [ref: urban south] Fick criteria: rural [ref: urban], midwest, west, south [ref: northeast], Rural northeast [ref: urban northeast], rural midwest, urban west [ref: rural west], rural south [ref: urban south] |
None | Low |
Jiron (2016)[35] Retrospective cohort |
Beers Criteria 2012 – all medications inappropriate and all medications to be used with caution | Age [66–69 years, ref: 70+], sex [female, ref: male], race [white, ref: Asian, Hispanic], myocardial infarction [absence, ref: presence], CHF [presence, ref: absence], peripheral vascular disease, cerebrovascular disease [presence, ref: absence] dementia [presence, ref: absence], chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, rheumatic disease, peptic ulcer disease [presence, ref: absence] mild liver disease, diabetes without complications [presence, ref: absence], paraplegia and haemiplegia [presence, ref: absence] renal disease [absence, ref: presence], diabetes with chronic complications, cancer [absence, ref: presence], moderate or severe liver disease [presence, ref: absence], metastatic cancer, AIDS/HIV, polypharmacy, number of prescription medications filled per month [3 or more, ref: less than 3], number of outpatient visits [13+, ref: >13], number of ED visits [1 or more, ref: none], number of hospital visits, any hospital admission, any outpatient visits, number of prescribers per month [2 or more, ref: less than 2], number of prescriber specialties per month | Geographic region [south or west, ref: northeast] | Prescriber is a geriatrician [is a geriatrician, ref: provider is not a geriatrician], general practitioner/family practice/internist, other specialty | Low |
Kester (2016)[36] Prospective cohort |
Antipsychotic medications (1st and 2nd generation) | Age [higher], sex [female, ref: male], hierarchical condition category, diagnosis of depressive disorder [presence, ref: absence], diagnosis of substance use disorder [presence, ref: absence] | Geographic region [south, ref: midwest, west], dual eligible status [ref: non-dual eligible] | None | Low |
Chart review | |||||
Buck (2008)[25] Cross-sectional |
Beers Criteria 2002 and Zhan Criteria independent of diagnoses | Age [older], sex [female, ref: male], polypharmacy [>6 medications, ref: <6], race, number of primary care clinic visits [more visits] | None | None | Low |
Hu (2012)[28] Cross-sectional |
Beers Criteria 2002 excluding disease dependent | Age [81+, ref: <81], sex, education, marital status, post-hospital residence, primary language, English proficiency, Chinese proficiency, number of medications at discharge [≥ 8 medications, ref: <8], number of medications at home care admission, length of hospital stay [≥6 days, <6 days] | Hospitalized on medical unit | None | Low |
Prithviraj (2012)[30] Cross-sectional |
Beers Criteria 2003 excluding drug–disease interactions | Age, sex, race, marital status, education, living situation, body mass index [≥19, ref: body mass index <19], cancer type, cancer stage, receipt of surgery, comorbidity count, Charlson comorbidity index, Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group (ECOG) score, hearing and vision impairment on 5-point scale, patient self-reported falls in the last 6 months, MMSE, number of medications [≥5 medications, ref: <5 medications], Geriatric depression scale, medical outcomes study social support survey, composite variable ‘geriatric deficits’ (≥1 deficit in MMSE, geriatric depression scale, hearing and vision questionnaire, social support survey) | None | None | Low |
Nightingale (2015)[39] Cross-sectional |
Beers 2012, STOPP 2008 and HEDIS 2011 | Age, sex, race, cancer type and stage, number of comorbidities [higher], Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group (ECOG) performance status, functional status (fit, vulnerable, frail), moderate polypharmacy [5–9 medications, ref: <5 medications], excessive polypharmacy [10+ medications, ref: <5 medications], presence of comorbidities [cardiovascular, neurologic, psychiatric, gastrointestinal] | None | None | Moderate |
DiNapoli (2016)[34] Prospective cohort |
Online drug database ( Elsevier Gold Standard) and VA provider input | Age, race, marital status, two or more mental health diagnoses [ref: 1], number of chronic organ system diseases | VA service connection status | None | Low |
Ie (2017)[40] Cross-sectional |
Beers Criteria, 2015 | None | None | Lack of benefit/risk information about deprescribing is a barrier to deprescribing, number of medications, proportion of minority patients [low, ref: high], proportion of patients ≥75 [low, ref: high], use of the beers list | Moderate |
Nationally representative survey | |||||
Zhang (2011)[21] Cross-sectional |
Zhan criteria | Age, sex [female, ref: male], race/ethnicity, family income [middle, ref: high], education level, self-rated health [fair, poor, ref: excellent], number of prescriptions [higher] | Medicare status, Medicare part D coverage, metropolitan statistical area, geographic region [south, ref: northeast] | None | Low |
Kachru (2015)[22] Cross-sectional |
Beers Criteria 2012, anticholinergics only | Age [<74, ref: age>75], sex [female], race, marital status, education [<12 years of education, ref: >15 years], family income, usual source of care, needs help with ADLs, needs help with iADLs, self-reported health, mental health status, comorbidities: epilepsy, dementia, fractures, Parkinson’s, benign prostatic hyperplasia, CHF, arrhythmia, mood disorder, anxiety [presence, ref: absence], urinary incontinence | Metropolitan statistical area, geographic region, [south, ref: northeast] | None | Low |
Extavour (2016)[24] Cross-sectional |
Beers Criteria 2012/2015 Sedatives or Antidepressants |
Sedative hypnotics: sex [female, ref: male],race [white, ref: other], ethnicity, chronic renal failure [absence, ref: presence], depression [presence, ref: absence], diabetes [absence, ref: presence], obesity [absence, ref: presence], chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, number of medications [higher],household income [40,627–52,387, ref: highest income] Antidepressants: race [other, ref: white], depression [absence, ref: presence], asthma [absence, ref: presence], osteoporosis [absence, ref: presence], annual household income |
Sedative hypnotics: practice ownership, use of electronic health record Antidepressants: metropolitan statistical area, computer system features prescribing [no, ref: yes] payment type [private self-pay, ref: other], payment type (Medicare Medicaid) |
Sedative hypnotics: specialty [neurology, ref: other], [psychiatry, ref: other], physician assistant involvement Antidepressants: time spent with patient [less time], physician specialty |
Low |
Miller (2016)[23] Cross-sectional |
Beers Criteria 2012 | Age [65–74 ref: 75–84, 85+], sex, race, marital status, education [less than high school, ref: high school graduate or post-graduate education], income, risk taking, usual source of care, self-rated health status, self-rated mental health status, ADL limitations, iADL limitations, cardiovascular condition [absence, ref: presence], central nervous system condition, mental health disorder, arthritis [presence, ref: absence], diabetes; number of medications [higher] | geographic region, metropolitan statistical area, health insurance status | None | Low |
Swanoski (2017)[37] Survey |
Beers 2012 criteria, drugs inappropriate in diabetes | Age [75+, ref: 65–74], sex [female, ref: male], race/ethnicity [all other races/ethnicities, ref: non-Hispanic Caucasian], visit reason [other, ref: new problem], visit reason [chronic problem, routine, ref: other], visit reason [chronic problem, flare-up, ref: other], visit reason [preventive care, ref: other], two or more visits in year [ref: one or fewer] | Geographic region of physician [rural, ref: urban] | None | Low |
Other | |||||
Weston (2010)[26] Cross-sectional |
Beers Criteria 2003 inappropriate in cognitive impairment, additional medications per authors’ discretion | Age, race/ethnicity, sex [female, ref: male], education, living situation, number of medications [higher], functional status, MMSE score, history of hypertension, urinary incontinence, history of diabetes, anti-dementia drug use, history of stroke, history of myocardial infarction, history of depression [presence, ref: absence] | Insurance status | None | Low |
Koyama (2013)[33] Prospective cohort |
Beers Criteria 2003 inappropriate in cognitive impairment, additional medications per authors’ discretion | Cognitive status (dementia versus mild cognitive impairment versus normal) [at 10-year follow-up, dementia>mild cognitive impairment> normal cognition] | None | None | Low |
Mattos (2016)[38] Cross-sectional |
Benzodiazepine receptor agonists and non-benzodiazepine sleep aids | Age, sex, race, marital status, depression or anxiety diagnosis [presence, ref: absence], total number of medications [higher], level of education | Rural [ref: urban] | None | Moderate |
Shade (2017)[41] Cross-sectional |
Beers 2012 | Age, comorbidity score, mental component score, total sleep time, wake after sleep onset, wake percentage, PROMIS Number of medications [higher], number of prescribers, physical component score, Pittsburgh sleep quality index |
None | None | Low |
ADL, activities of daily living; CHF, congestive heart failure; ED, emergency department; HEDIS, Healthcare Effectiveness Data and Information Set; iADL, independent activity of daily living; MCO, managed care organization; MDS, minimum data set; MEPS, Medical Expenditure Panel Survey; MMSE, Mini-Mental State Exam; NAMCS, National Ambulatory Medical Care Survey; PIM, potentially inappropriate medications; Ref, reference group; VA, veterans affairs.
Bold – significant factors [positive association with PIM use].