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. 2019 Apr 9;27(5):408–423. doi: 10.1111/ijpp.12541

Table 2.

Study design, associations of investigated factors with of potentially inappropriate medication (PIM) and risk of biasa

Author, year Study design Criteria used to define PIM Patient factors System/Environment factors Clinician factors Risk of bias
Administrative data
  Zhang (2010)[27]
HEDIS medications considered to be high risk and potential drug–disease interactions None Adjusted annual gross drug spending per beneficiary and adjusted annual gross non-drug medical spending [higher non-drug spending] None Low
  Woelfel (2011)[20]
Beers Criteria 1997 Age, sex, self-reported health status, number of medications per patient [higher] None None Low
  Blackwell (2012)[29]
Beers Criteria 2003 excluding those with dose requirements or disease requirements Age [65–74, ref: 75+], race/ethnicity [white, ref: black/other] sex [female, ref: male], disease burden [low, ref: medium-low], number of medications [higher] Geographic region [midwest, south, west, other, ref: northeast], dual enrollee status [ref: non-dual enrollee] None Low
  Holmes (2013)[31]
Beers Criteria 2003 – excluding drug-disease combinations Age, sex [female, ref: male], race/ethnicity [black, ref: white], hospitalization in the year prior to PIM use (2007) [not hospitalized at least once, ref: hospitalized at least once] nursing home stay in 2008, comorbidity score (Elixhauser), total number of medications in 2008 [six or more medications, ref: <5 medications], number of different prescribers [two or more prescribers, ref: 1 prescriber] Eligibility for low-income subsidy [eligible, ref: not eligible] None Low
  Lund (2013)[32]
Four methods: Zhan Criteria, modified Fick Criteria, therapeutic duplication, drug–drug interactions None Zhan criteria: rural [ref: urban], midwest, west, south [ref: northeast], Rural northeast [ref: urban northeast], urban midwest [ref: rural midwest], urban west [ref: rural west], rural south [ref: urban south]
Fick criteria: rural [ref: urban], midwest, west, south [ref: northeast], Rural northeast [ref: urban northeast], rural midwest, urban west [ref: rural west], rural south [ref: urban south]
None Low
  Jiron (2016)[35]
Retrospective cohort
Beers Criteria 2012 – all medications inappropriate and all medications to be used with caution Age [66–69 years, ref: 70+], sex [female, ref: male], race [white, ref: Asian, Hispanic], myocardial infarction [absence, ref: presence], CHF [presence, ref: absence], peripheral vascular disease, cerebrovascular disease [presence, ref: absence] dementia [presence, ref: absence], chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, rheumatic disease, peptic ulcer disease [presence, ref: absence] mild liver disease, diabetes without complications [presence, ref: absence], paraplegia and haemiplegia [presence, ref: absence] renal disease [absence, ref: presence], diabetes with chronic complications, cancer [absence, ref: presence], moderate or severe liver disease [presence, ref: absence], metastatic cancer, AIDS/HIV, polypharmacy, number of prescription medications filled per month [3 or more, ref: less than 3], number of outpatient visits [13+, ref: >13], number of ED visits [1 or more, ref: none], number of hospital visits, any hospital admission, any outpatient visits, number of prescribers per month [2 or more, ref: less than 2], number of prescriber specialties per month Geographic region [south or west, ref: northeast] Prescriber is a geriatrician [is a geriatrician, ref: provider is not a geriatrician], general practitioner/family practice/internist, other specialty Low
  Kester (2016)[36]
Prospective cohort
Antipsychotic medications (1st and 2nd generation) Age [higher], sex [female, ref: male], hierarchical condition category, diagnosis of depressive disorder [presence, ref: absence], diagnosis of substance use disorder [presence, ref: absence] Geographic region [south, ref: midwest, west], dual eligible status [ref: non-dual eligible] None Low
Chart review
  Buck (2008)[25]
Beers Criteria 2002 and Zhan Criteria independent of diagnoses Age [older], sex [female, ref: male], polypharmacy [>6 medications, ref: <6], race, number of primary care clinic visits [more visits] None None Low
  Hu (2012)[28]
Beers Criteria 2002 excluding disease dependent Age [81+, ref: <81], sex, education, marital status, post-hospital residence, primary language, English proficiency, Chinese proficiency, number of medications at discharge [≥ 8 medications, ref: <8], number of medications at home care admission, length of hospital stay [≥6 days, <6 days] Hospitalized on medical unit None Low
  Prithviraj (2012)[30]
Beers Criteria 2003 excluding drug–disease interactions Age, sex, race, marital status, education, living situation, body mass index [≥19, ref: body mass index <19], cancer type, cancer stage, receipt of surgery, comorbidity count, Charlson comorbidity index, Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group (ECOG) score, hearing and vision impairment on 5-point scale, patient self-reported falls in the last 6 months, MMSE, number of medications [≥5 medications, ref: <5 medications], Geriatric depression scale, medical outcomes study social support survey, composite variable ‘geriatric deficits’ (1 deficit in MMSE, geriatric depression scale, hearing and vision questionnaire, social support survey) None None Low
  Nightingale (2015)[39]
Beers 2012, STOPP 2008 and HEDIS 2011 Age, sex, race, cancer type and stage, number of comorbidities [higher], Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group (ECOG) performance status, functional status (fit, vulnerable, frail), moderate polypharmacy [5–9 medications, ref: <5 medications], excessive polypharmacy [10+ medications, ref: <5 medications], presence of comorbidities [cardiovascular, neurologic, psychiatric, gastrointestinal] None None Moderate
  DiNapoli (2016)[34]
Prospective cohort
Online drug database ( Elsevier Gold Standard) and VA provider input Age, race, marital status, two or more mental health diagnoses [ref: 1], number of chronic organ system diseases VA service connection status None Low
  Ie (2017)[40]
Beers Criteria, 2015 None None Lack of benefit/risk information about deprescribing is a barrier to deprescribing, number of medications, proportion of minority patients [low, ref: high], proportion of patients ≥75 [low, ref: high], use of the beers list Moderate
Nationally representative survey
  Zhang (2011)[21]
Zhan criteria Age, sex [female, ref: male], race/ethnicity, family income [middle, ref: high], education level, self-rated health [fair, poor, ref: excellent], number of prescriptions [higher] Medicare status, Medicare part D coverage, metropolitan statistical area, geographic region [south, ref: northeast] None Low
  Kachru (2015)[22]
Beers Criteria 2012, anticholinergics only Age [<74, ref: age>75], sex [female], race, marital status, education [<12 years of education, ref: >15 years], family income, usual source of care, needs help with ADLs, needs help with iADLs, self-reported health, mental health status, comorbidities: epilepsy, dementia, fractures, Parkinson’s, benign prostatic hyperplasia, CHF, arrhythmia, mood disorder, anxiety [presence, ref: absence], urinary incontinence Metropolitan statistical area, geographic region, [south, ref: northeast] None Low
  Extavour (2016)[24]
Beers Criteria 2012/2015 Sedatives or Antidepressants Sedative hypnotics: sex [female, ref: male],race [white, ref: other], ethnicity, chronic renal failure [absence, ref: presence], depression [presence, ref: absence], diabetes [absence, ref: presence], obesity [absence, ref: presence], chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, number of medications [higher],household income [40,627–52,387, ref: highest income]
Antidepressants: race [other, ref: white], depression [absence, ref: presence], asthma [absence, ref: presence], osteoporosis [absence, ref: presence], annual household income
Sedative hypnotics: practice ownership, use of electronic health record
Antidepressants: metropolitan statistical area, computer system features prescribing [no, ref: yes]
payment type [private self-pay, ref: other], payment type (Medicare Medicaid)
Sedative hypnotics: specialty [neurology, ref: other], [psychiatry, ref: other], physician assistant involvement
Antidepressants: time spent with patient [less time], physician specialty
  Miller (2016)[23]
Beers Criteria 2012 Age [65–74 ref: 75–84, 85+], sex, race, marital status, education [less than high school, ref: high school graduate or post-graduate education], income, risk taking, usual source of care, self-rated health status, self-rated mental health status, ADL limitations, iADL limitations, cardiovascular condition [absence, ref: presence], central nervous system condition, mental health disorder, arthritis [presence, ref: absence], diabetes; number of medications [higher] geographic region, metropolitan statistical area, health insurance status None Low
  Swanoski (2017)[37]
Beers 2012 criteria, drugs inappropriate in diabetes Age [75+, ref: 65–74], sex [female, ref: male], race/ethnicity [all other races/ethnicities, ref: non-Hispanic Caucasian], visit reason [other, ref: new problem], visit reason [chronic problem, routine, ref: other], visit reason [chronic problem, flare-up, ref: other], visit reason [preventive care, ref: other], two or more visits in year [ref: one or fewer] Geographic region of physician [rural, ref: urban] None Low
  Weston (2010)[26]
Beers Criteria 2003 inappropriate in cognitive impairment, additional medications per authors’ discretion Age, race/ethnicity, sex [female, ref: male], education, living situation, number of medications [higher], functional status, MMSE score, history of hypertension, urinary incontinence, history of diabetes, anti-dementia drug use, history of stroke, history of myocardial infarction, history of depression [presence, ref: absence] Insurance status None Low
  Koyama (2013)[33]
Prospective cohort
Beers Criteria 2003 inappropriate in cognitive impairment, additional medications per authors’ discretion Cognitive status (dementia versus mild cognitive impairment versus normal) [at 10-year follow-up, dementia>mild cognitive impairment> normal cognition] None None Low
  Mattos (2016)[38]
Benzodiazepine receptor agonists and non-benzodiazepine sleep aids Age, sex, race, marital status, depression or anxiety diagnosis [presence, ref: absence], total number of medications [higher], level of education Rural [ref: urban] None Moderate
  Shade (2017)[41]
Beers 2012 Age, comorbidity score, mental component score, total sleep time, wake after sleep onset, wake percentage, PROMIS
Number of medications [higher], number of prescribers, physical component score, Pittsburgh sleep quality index
None None Low

ADL, activities of daily living; CHF, congestive heart failure; ED, emergency department; HEDIS, Healthcare Effectiveness Data and Information Set; iADL, independent activity of daily living; MCO, managed care organization; MDS, minimum data set; MEPS, Medical Expenditure Panel Survey; MMSE, Mini-Mental State Exam; NAMCS, National Ambulatory Medical Care Survey; PIM, potentially inappropriate medications; Ref, reference group; VA, veterans affairs.


Bold – significant factors [positive association with PIM use].