Table 2.
Association between middle age LTPA status and average annual healthcare costs in later life
Middle age LTPA status | Healthcare cost difference (US$) (95% CI) |
Percent difference (95% CI) |
<1 hour/week | REF | REF |
1–3 hours/week | −1365 (−1913 to −815) | −15.0 (−21.0 to −9.0) |
4–7 hours/week | −1592 (−2130 to −1053) | −17.5 (−23.4 to −11.6) |
7+ hours/week | −2079 (−2613 to −1546) | −22.8 (−28.7 to −17.0) |
P<0.001 |
Model 1: adjusted for age, sex, marital status, race/ethnicity, education attainment, smoking status, BMI at age 18, location of residence and television viewing status.
Average annual costs were calculated by LTPA status and compared by χ2 test. All values are statistically significant at p<0.05; Per cent difference calculated using recycled predictions of adjusted reference group. Based on mean of 6.2 years of Medicare claims (range 1–10 years). Model 1 reference group: US$9101/year.
REF: Reference group is based on respondents that responded never, rarely, or <1 hour/week when asked how often they participated in moderate and vigorous activities in middle age (43–64 yrs).
BMI, body mass index; LTPA, long-term leisure time physical activity.