Figure 5.
Chemogenetic modulation of BNSTCRF neurons during fear memory consolidation does not affect fear recalls. A, Distribution of BNSTCRF neurons illustrated by representative single-plane confocal photomicrographs from reporter ZsGreen fluorescent protein-expressing mouse lines and their proportional quantification (% of all neurons, NeuN+) across subregions. B, Representative photomicrographs of mCherry expression in BNSTCRF neurons and illustration of minimum (filled areas) and maximum (areas with colored outlines) extensions of mCherry expression. C, Intraperitoneal injection of CNO (1 mg/kg) under baseline (homecage) condition significantly increased c-Fos expression in hM3Dq-mCherry-expressing BNSTCRF neurons (control: n = 7, hM3Dq: n = 7, hM4Di n = 6). D and H, Illustrations depicting high (0.7-mA footshocks) and low-intensity (0.4-mA footshocks) fear conditioning in crh-ires-cre mice with CNO administration after conditioning. Fear recalls were independent of BNST manipulation following both high-intensity (F–G) and low-intensity (J–K) trainings. E and I, Freezing during high- and low-intensity trainings, respectively (control: n = 15 and n = 10, hM3Dq: n = 12 and n = 14 for low-intensity and high-intensity trainings, respectively; hM4Di: n = 13). Asterisks represent main effect of one-way ANOVA: **n < 0.01.