Assigned 2D 1H-15N HSQC and 2D 13C-15N CON spectra of Orb2A PLD recorded at pH 4.0, 25°C.A, 2D 1H-15N HSQC spectrum of Orb2A PLD recorded at pH 4.0, 25 °C. Individual assigned signals are labeled. S-1 corresponds to the Ser residue resulting from cloning and tag cleavage that precedes M1. The bold His and Gln labels refer to overlapped His and Gln peaks; these arise from residues in the amyloidogenic segment. The multiplication factor between contour levels is 1.4 here and in panel B as well as Fig. 4A. B, 2D 13C-15N CON spectrum of Orb2A PLD recorded at pH 4.0, 25°C. The labels shown correspond to the 15N signals; the 13CO correlations arise from the preceding residue. Note that the y axis scale is longer in panel B than A to include Pro residues. The bold His, Gln, and Gln′ labels are for overlapped His and Gln residues; the Gln′ cluster comes from i His 13CO/i + 1 Gln 15N correlations. For intense or overlapped peaks, a satellite peak is often seen slightly to the right and above the main peak. These satellite peaks arise from deuteration and some examples are indicated with blue circles.