VAR2CSA is an asymmetric molecule with the C terminus located within the smaller lobe.A, micrograph of NTS-DBL6ε. The white bar is 50 nm. B, subset of 2D classes obtained during initial 2D classification of NTS-DBL6ε. C, single 2D class showing the layers (L1, L2, L3), separated by broken white lines, defined in the text. D, micrograph of NTS-DBL6ε bound to anti-cMyc antibody. E, representative 2D classes of unbound NTS-DBL6ε. F, representative 2D classes of unbound anti-cMyc antibody. G, representative 2D classes of NTS-DBL6ε:anti-cMyc-antibody complex. The letter A indicates the location of the cMyc antibody at the tip of the smaller lobe of NTS-DBL6ε.