Mitochondrial Protein Changes during Astrocyte-to-Neuron Reprogramming
(A, B, E, and F) Micrographs showing immunostaining in astrocytes transduced with DsRed or Ascl1-ires-DsRed as indicated. Scale bars, 20 μm.
(C and G) Examples of scatterplots of the pixel intensity correlation between Tomm20 and Sfxn5 (C) or Prdx2 (G) in Ascl1-transduced cells on day 1 (left panel) and in reprogrammed cells on day 7 (right panel). Pearson’s coefficient as average of 3 cells/biological replicate; n = 3 biological replicates.
(D and H) Violin plots of the log2 ratio of the intensity of the expression of Sfxn5 (D) or Prdx2 (H) normalized to Tomm20 intensity over time. Each dot represents 1 cell. 10 cells analyzed/biological replicate/condition/day. n = 3 biological replicates; ∗∗∗p ≤ 0.001.