Figure 5.
(a) Analysis of selected cytokines in the medium supplemented with 10% iFBS and 7.5% PRSRGF after cultivation with MSC (iFBS + cells, PR − SRGF + cells) or without cell cultivation (iFBS, PR-SRGF) after 72 hours. (b) Determination of protein fractions in nondiluted iFBS, PR-SRGF, AB-HS, AB-HS (Sigma), and ABS (adult bovine serum) (without cell cultivation) by capillary ELFO analysis compared to the human reference standard (albumin, alpha-1-globulins, alpha-2-globulins, beta-1-globulins, beta-2-globulins, gamma-globulins). Light grey: out of the reference range; dark grey: extremely out of the reference range.