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. 2021 Feb 19;8(2):295–321. doi: 10.3934/Neuroscience.2021016

Figure 3. Visualization of a 2D embedding given by ISOMAP on the average correlation matrix for each group. Here, only brain regions that are considered part of four major RSNs, the default mode (DMN), the sensory motor (SMRN), the visual (VSN) and the sub-cortical limbic network (SLN) are included. A) Healthy controls B) Schizophrenia patients. The capital letter R and L at the end of each label reflects the lateral part of the brain region (eg. L for left and R for right). The list of the abbreviations used to label the anatomical regions of the brain is the following. For the DMN: isthmus of cingulate gyrus (ic), lateral orbito-frontal cortex (lof), medial orbito-frontal cortex (mof), parahippocampal gyrus (ph), posterior cingulate cortex (pcc), Precuneus cortex (prec), rostral anterior cingulate cortex (rac). For the SLN: accubens (acc), amygdala (amg), caudate nucleus (caud), pallidum (pal), putamen (put) and thalamus (thal). For the SRMN: paracentral gyrus (pac), postcentral gyrus (pc), precentral gyrus (prc) and superior parietal (sp). For the VSN: Cuneus (cun), fusiform gyrus (fs), lateral Occipital cortex (loc), lingual gyrus (lg) and pericalcarine cortex (prcn).

Figure 3.