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. 2021 Mar 2;36(9):e68. doi: 10.3346/jkms.2021.36.e68

Table 4. Comparison of incidence rate of patients with glioma among countries.

Study Country Data source Design Codes of diagnostic criteria Year No. of new patients Incidence rate (per 100,000)
Larjavaara et al.13 Finland 5 hospitals Representative population-based sample ICD-10 (C71.0–71.9) 2000–2002 331 4.67a
Wohrer et al.12 Austria ABTR Population-based registry ICD-O-3 2005 619 6.89a
Glial tumor
Arora et al.8 England National Cancer Registry Population-based regional registry ICD-O 1995–2003 27,663 4.88a
Glial tumorc
Gousias et al.14 Greece 7 hospitals Prospective study Glioma 2005–2007 56 5.6
Crocetti et al.9 Europe RARECARE Population-based registry ICD-O-3 (C71.0–72) 1995–2002 43,037 5.4b
Glial tumor of CNS and pineal gland
Narita et al.15 Japan BTRJ Hospital-based registry Glioma 2001–2004 3,319 6.6
Rasmussen et al.16 Denmark DNOR Population-based registry Glioma 2009–2014 1,930 7.3
Dhow et al.5 South Korea KCCR Nationwide hospital-based cancer registry ICD-O-3 (C71.0–71.9) 2013 1,506 2.48a
Glial tumorc
Ostrom et al.10 USA CBTRUS Population-based registry ICD-O-3 2012–2016 110,324 6.22a
Glial tumorc
Walker et al.11 Canada Canadian Cancer Registry Population-based registry ICD-O-3 2009–2013 9,495 6.61a
Glial tumorc
Present study South Korea NHID Population-based data ICD-10 (C71) 2007–2017 45,066 7.4a

ASR = age-standardized rate, CR = crude rate, ABTR = Austrian Brain Tumor Registry, RARECARE = Surveillance of Rare Cancers in Europe, BTRJ = Brain Tumor Registry of Japan, DNOR = Danish Neuro-Oncology Registry, KCCR = Korean Central Cancer Registry, CBTRUS = Central Brain Tumor Registry of the US, NHID = National Health Insurance Database, ICD = International Classification of Disease.

aASR; bCR; cGlial tumor: astrocytic tumors, oligodendroglial tumors, mixed gliomas, ependymal tumors, glial tumors of uncertain origin, and neuronal and mixed neuronal-glial tumors.