DNA Methylation Pattern of L-ESCs
(A) DNA methylation level of 2-kb genomic tiles in L-ESCs (n = 3), 2i/L-ESCs (n = 3), and S/L-ESCs (n = 2). Source data are provided in Table S1.
(B) Immunostaining of DNMT3A in 2i/L-ESCs and different passages of L-ESCs (results of three independent experiments). Scale bars, 50 μm.
(C) Western blotting analysis for DNMT3A in early adaptation stage (day 5) GOF/GFP+ and GOF/GFP− L-ESCs (results of three independent experiments).
(D) Heatmap showing DNA methylation level of ICRs in L-ESCs (n = 3), 2i/L-ESCs (n = 3), and S/L-ESCs (n = 2).